This is a rush transcript from “The Ingraham Angle” June 24, 2021. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.Â
INGRAHAM: OK, good. All right, Sean. I’m Laura Ingraham. This is the
“Ingraham Angle” from Washington tonight.
The first person charged in the January 6 riot was a grandmother from
Indiana. What was the charge? One count of parading in the Capitol? I kid
you not. She’s here exclusively tonight to tell us about how long she was
locked away and the effort to deprogram her thoughts. But first, the
military’s woke makeover. That’s the focus of tonight’s “Angle”.
Now, if you were Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and Secretary of
Defense, or any top military leader today, there’s a lot that should keep
you up at night, right? So put yourself in that role. But – and think about
it. Most all of it is coming from China.
Threats to our ally Taiwan, our strategic ally in the Pacific, China’s
itching to invade them, threats from China’s hackers and Intel agencies,
their growing presence in Africa. Plus China’s threatening us in space. But
our current chairman of the Joint Chiefs General Mark Milley is apparently
spending a lot of his waking hours worrying about what he thinks is wrong
with the United States.
Now, yesterday when Republican congressmen raised reasonable questions
about whether it’s a good idea to expose our soldiers to anti-American
propaganda in the form of this critical race theory stuff, he just ended up
lashing out, sounding more like a commentator on MSNBC than a military
cause thousands of people to assault this building, and try to overturn the
Constitution of the United States of America? What caused that? So it is
important that the leaders now and in the future do understand it.
I’ve read Mao Tse Tung, I’ve read Karl Marx, I’ve read Lenin, that doesn’t
make me a communist. So what is wrong with understanding, having some
situational understanding about the country for which we are here to
INGRAHAM: Well, the general apparently failed to think through the logic
and ramifications of his stated position. Then the first place, critical
race theory is based on a lie. The lie that America is marred by racism in
every aspect of society, and therefore, our entire system must be upended
and then remade.
Ibram Kendi’s anti-racism guide is the best known of these Marxist anti-
American screeds. So why is it on the military’s recommended reading list?
Tom Cotton pulled back the curtain earlier this week.
SEN. TOM COTTON (R-AR): The notion that capitalism is essentially racist,
and racism is essentially capitalist. That the only remedy for past
discrimination is present discrimination. Admiral Gilday, how do these
books get on your reading list?
of books. There are over 50 books in my reading list to give our sailors a
wide range of information from which I hope they can make fast facts based
decisions on both their ability to look outwardly at potential aggressors,
like China and Russia, as well as looking inwardly and being honest with
ourselves in areas that we need to improve.
INGRAHAM: Wait, wait, think about that. The troops are hearing that in
order to be honest with themselves about how they need to improve, they
then need to read a book by a guy who thinks America is inherently wicked
and evil. Does that make any sense?
The message of the troops is this, put your lives at risk for the USA. But
remember, the USA is a systemically racist, structurally biased country.
And by the way, you and your parents live on stolen land.
Look, what top military leaders have on their nightstands, what they choose
to read, that’s up to them. But how is it appropriate or helpful to our
young military personnel just starting out to force this on them? How does
it promote unit cohesion?
The first thing we should be teaching our soldiers, our airmen, all of them
is that we’re a good and noble country that is worthy of their amazing
sacrifice. Critical race theory sends the opposite message. And as for
General Milley’s attempt to justify the unjustifiable by noting that he has
personally read the works of some of the worst villains of our time. Big
Obviously, we’re not going to expose our troops to every possible twisted
theory out there. What’s the point of that? They’re trained to be warriors
in many roles. And they are among the finest in the world. Reading Ibram
Kendi will no more help our troops understand the United States than Fidel
Castro’s writings would have in the 1960s.
The reason that the military gave in to the critical race theory craze is
simple. Because the Biden administration is determined to use race as a
political weapon. And the Biden administration is enlisting the military to
help them. Of course, they tried to deny this and claim that anyone who
attacks critical race theory in the military is attacking the troops. Oh,
please. Another logical fallacy.
The noncommissioned officers, the enlisted men and women, they signed up to
be in the U.S. military, not for a never-ending racism seminar. It wasn’t
long ago that Biden made this promise to our men and women in uniform.
JOE BIDEN, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: You are incredible heroes and
incredible patriots. I will never ever dishonest – dishonor you. I will
never disrespect you. I will never politicize the work you do. That goes
for our civilian professionals as well as the career military.
INGRAHAM: Of course, that didn’t last long. Less than a month later, the
Pentagon announced the so-called domestic extremists issue that they were
the most serious threat in existence to the U.S. military, which we all
know is code for purging the ranks of conservatives.
So as China continues to build and grow its global influence, the Pentagon
chief Lloyd Austin chose to focus on white supremacists as a major problem.
Now this is straight out of the critical theory playbook. But they’re not
denials, they came anyway.
LLOYD AUSTIN, SECRETARY OF DEFENSE: We don’t embrace critical race theory.
And I think that’s a spurious conversation. And so we are focused on
extremist behaviors, and not ideology, not people’s thoughts, not people’s
political orientation. Behaviors is what we’re focused on.
INGRAHAM: Well, that’s just not true. The military is launching an effort
to monitor social media activity of the troops, meaning their personal
political views and other views will be examined for so-called extremism,
even if they do nothing illegal to act on those viewpoints.
The fact is, too many in top leadership have forgotten the proper role of
the U.S. military. They answer to civilian leadership, not the other way
Remember, when Trump wanted to pull our troops out of Afghanistan? Well,
the top brass in the military, they fought him every step of the way. There
was always a reason not to bring the troops home. And now when you watch
what’s going on, they’re even resisting Biden, pushing the narrative, of
course, that when we pull out, it’ll be another Saigon. They did the same
in Iraq, by the way, despite public opinion and despite stated
administration policy.
Civilian control of the military is a cornerstone of our entire system. If
military leaders are perceived to be parroting partisan, again, MSNBC style
talking points, they’re going to do to the Armed Forces what Tony Fauci has
done to public health agencies. They’ll hurt their standing and their
credibility with the American people. So Republicans need to take all of
this very seriously. Some already are, like Tom Cotton and Josh Hawley.
The fact is post Afghanistan, we need a plan to make our military more
functional and less political. Beyond reasserting civilian control of the
Armed Forces, we have to eliminate all unnecessary spending, cut everything
from needless weapon systems, to pointless deployments, to the hiring of
any racial or gender identity consultants. Our troops aren’t served by
bloated budgets, only the bureaucracy and the defense industry benefit from
Thirdly, our focus should be almost entirely on China, staying ahead of the
CCP and blunting their influence wherever we can. This is not going to be
easy. In fact, it will be the great challenge of this century. But we must
take it more seriously.
Fourth, we need new leadership. Anyone who seeks to purge patriotic
volunteers from our military based on changing political whims, and anyone
who spends more time thinking about January 6 than China shouldn’t be
leading our troops. We need more victories against our adversaries abroad
and less animosity toward our own people at home.
Our troops should be encouraged to have faith in our system. After all,
they’re the ones who volunteer to protect and defend it. Why should they or
anyone commit to defending a way of life that their reading is inherently
racist? Who signed up for that job? Perhaps that’s a question that General
Milley should spend some time thinking about before his next appearance on
Capitol Hill. And that’s the “Angle”.
All right. Joining me now is retired Army Colonel, Douglas MacGregor,
senior fellow at the American Conservative; also joined by retired Army
Colonel, Kurt Schlichter, Senior columnist at and author of
“Crisis”; and last but not least, is Andrew Knaggs, former Deputy Defense
Secretary and former Green Beret.
Colonel MacGregor, let’s start with you. How destructive to cohesion and
just military spirit are the messages we’ve been hearing from the top
remarks and the comments by the Chief of Naval Operations, I think we’re
dealing with a situation in which soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines
are pitted against each other on the basis of their racial identity. There
is no appeal to their American identity. There is no appeal to treating
their country and the mission assigned by their country as first and
foremost in their minds. Instead, we’re listening to a discussion that,
frankly, is obscure and opaque.
INGRAHAM: Kurt, we heard this line a lot from the media backlash today.
leaders, our Secretary of Defense are under political attack. Not by ISIS
or by Al Qaeda, but by radical extremist anti-American elected officials,
pundits on TV. This is their equivalent of defund the Police.
INGRAHAM: Kurt, a push to cut the military budget, which a lot of the
liberals used to be for, is totally different from the push to defund the
Police. Because the left, they want to defund the Police to dismantle it,
we want to reduce and reorient military spending to save our military.
KURT SCHLICHTER, RETIRED ARMY COLONEL: That’s exactly right, Laura. This is
a disaster on every level. And frankly, and I don’t know if Colonel
MacGregor would join me in this, but I would pretty much fire everybody O-7
and above in the United States military, hire a few back, because it’s just
that bad.
We’ve gone 20 years without a military victory. There are guys who’ve had
their entire career who’ve never seen the United States triumph in battle.
And these guys are running around chasing their tails about some sort of
faculty lounge obsession designed to please the overlords of the media and
MSNBC. It is ridiculous and I’m terrified. That’s going to get our people
killed, because the Chinese, the Russians, the North Koreans, and the
Iranians are not playing these stupid games.
INGRAHAM: Now, Andrew, to the surprise of exactly no one, critical race
theory superstar Ibram Kendi praised General Milley today.
say that he wants to understand white rage. He’s seeking to understand
white supremacist organizations. It’s important for them to root out white
supremacists within their ranks.
INGRAHAM: Andrew, is this obsession with white rage going to do anything to
promote unity in our military, or help us defeat our biggest threat,
ultimately down the road, China?
not. And frankly, this is appalling. It’s humiliating, and it’s dangerous.
CRT exists for one thing. It is designed to convince American citizens that
this great nation is irreconcilably corrupt, and it’s not worth defending.
And that is a dangerous point of view, that is a dangerous doctrine to be
forcing down the throats of our military.
And anyone who doesn’t see that is either not paying attention, is woefully
ignorant, or naive, or they bought into it. And I certainly hope that
General Milley and General Austin and Secretary Austin have not bought into
this theory.
INGRAHAM: Well, I have to say, Mr. MacGregor, when you see the just
dismissiveness and a very arrogant, I thought it was extremely arrogant
performance by General Milley, who served this country for four decades in
uniform. Credible service. For him to go up there and then take on the role
as kind of a debating partner with members of Congress who are doing their
constitutional oversight. Is that his role?
MACGREGOR: Well, Laura, we haven’t had any accountability for senior
officers in the last 30 years. When’s the last time we actively removed a
senior officer for failure to perform his duty in the field? We haven’t had
it. We’ve had several generations of senior officers, who in their
eagerness to be promoted, have embraced whatever dumb idea in the name of
social justice that their political superiors have pushed, when their duty
first and foremost is to maintain and field effective forces. Forces that
can fight.
What we haven’t fought anybody, who’s terribly capable and could actually
threaten us, or fight back for the last 20 years. We become complacent. The
people that are in charge right now are simply not very impressive. But
they are impressive in the sense that they have internalized whatever
they’ve had to be promoted.
I mean, you saw the CNO. He talked about a reading list. He hadn’t even
looked at it. These reading lists are put together by lieutenant colonels
and majors, commanders, and lieutenant commanders. These generals don’t
read anything. It’s a lot of nonsense.
INGRAHAM: I don’t believe any of them sat around poring over the pages of
Ibram Kendi. I don’t believe that for one second. Like, “I read Mao and
Marx”. OK , fine, aren’t you impressive.
All right, colonel. That’s just embarrassing. I mean, now we’re listing off
our reading list from college. (inaudible)
Now, Kurt, this was telling the media, of course, rushing in. The media who
were calling them warmongers back in the early 2000s rushing into the
defense of General Milley. Watch.
DON LEMON, CNN HOST: The chairman of joint chiefs makes an eloquent defense
of the truth and stands up for America’s military.
MICHAEL ERIC DYSON, PRINCETON PROFESSOR: It was a remarkable defense of
open mindedness and free thinking in America.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: General Milley did something very powerful.
AL SHARPTON, MSNBC HOST: I think it was extraordinary because of who he
was, and how he did it.
INGRAHAM: Kurt, in a healthy Republic, the media would be lighting Milley
up for how damaging his comments were. But instead it was an echo chamber.
What does that tell us?
SCHLICHTER: Well, you know, Laura, when I want to learn how to make a
strong military, I seek out Don Lemon and Al Sharpton for their important
insights. My favorite part about Milley’s little tantrum was when he got
offended that people were doubting him and questioning him. And I’m
thinking, you’re answering questions from the representatives of the
American people, who, well, let me put it in military terms, are ahead of
you in the chain of command. It’s you, or the American people, their
representatives and you, a government employee.
And he’s upset about – I bet when a major gets up in front of him and
screws up a briefing and Milley yells at him and says “you need to do
better” and the major says, stop timeout. I’m offended. I’m sure that
General Milley says, wait a minute, whoa, we better back off because the
major is offended. Holy cow! This is a guy of nearly unmatched personal
courage. And then he does this. It’s ridiculous.
INGRAHAM: Andrew, final thoughts from you? I mean, is this going – is
reading Ibram Kendi going to help our troops understand America, white
rage, white supremacy and their ultimate job of being warriors better?
KNAGGS: No, of course not. What it’s going to do is, it’s going to destroy
our cohesion, or good order, or discipline. And it’s going to make this
great nation more vulnerable. So what our military leaders or uniformed
leaders need to do is to get out of politics. They need to focus on
building cohesive and competent units, war fighting units that can stand
against the threats that we’re facing in the world today, for most of which
is the Chinese Communist Party.
And by the way, Congress has to act. They can’t sit on their hands any
longer. They need to assert some authority, some oversight authority to
ensure that this scourge, this poisonous ideology of CRT does not overtake
and destroy our military from within.
INGRAHAM: Now, we got to defund the CRT and the U.S. military at the very
least. Gentlemen, thank you.
And one dead and 99 still unaccounted for after that beachfront high rise
in Surfside, Florida collapse this morning. Now, hundreds of first
responders were on the scene. They pulled dozens from the wreckage,
including a child who was discovered after someone saw his wiggling fingers
amidst the rubble.
Now, the 12-storey condo came down around 1:30am. It’s not clear yet why it
happened. But authorities are investigating potential causes for the
collapse. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signed an order to assist the
victims and their families. And the state has set up a family reunification
center at 9301 Collins Ave.
The governor is also asking those with loved ones who are still unaccounted
for, or are safe, to please call 305-614-1819 to let authorities know.
We’re watching for any updates. We’ll bring them to you as we receive them.
Ahead, an Indiana grandmother walked into the Capitol building for five
minutes on January 6 and was locked up for two days. She’s the first
individual sentenced over the day’s events. She joins us exclusively in
moments with details on how they attempted to deprogram her and more. Stay
INGRAHAM: Now, it turns out January 6 defendants, they’re not only being
asked to admit their guilt, but their white privilege as well. Anna Morgan-
Lloyd, the first to be sentenced in connection with January 6 wrote to the
judge ahead of her sentencing.
“My lawyer has given me names of books and movies to help me see what life
is like for others in our country. I’ve learned that even though we live in
a wonderful country, things still need to improve. People of all colors
should feel as safe as I do to walk down the street.” You’ve heard that
right. Ms. Morgan-Lloyd was forced to deliver that Soviet style confession
at the behest of her attorney, a DC public defender named Heather Shaner.
She is also representing several other January 6 defendants, who she’s also
attempting to indoctrinate.
Now, this disturbing effort was uncovered by my next guest. Joining me now
is Julie Kelly, American greatness senior contributor. Julie, now, is this
just her defense attorney trying to help her get a lighter sentence, or is
there something else going on here?
Laura, is that so many of these defendants cannot pay for their own
attorney. So they’re at the mercy of the court, and either public defenders
or court appointed attorneys, which Mrs. (inaudible) is.
And so, no, this is the going along with the presumption that anyone
involved in the January 6th protest is a white supremacist, is a racist, is
an anti-Semite. There’s nothing really wrong with the list that the
attorney gave to Ms. Lloyd, but it’s not anything that the court should
order, or should accept. What’s funny is IÂ listened to the court hearing
yesterday when she offered her plea and she got very choked up in court.
She’s never been charged with any sort of crime. She’s a 49-year-old
grandmother from Southern Indiana, and she got choked up. And the DOJ kind
of pushed back and said, “Look, we don’t really accept this sort of
approach. We do not prosecute people based on their beliefs.” Well, of
course they do. That’s exactly what this January 6th investigation for the
most part is about, is persecuting people on the right Trump supporters.
And she is just one really sad, tragic example of being caught up in this
INGRAHAM: Now, did she damage anything in the Capitol? Was she breaking?
Did she break anything, or hit anyone, or?
KELLY: She walked into an open door. She was there for less than 10
minutes. She thought that it was OK to be there. She didn’t touch a Police
officer. She didn’t vandalize the property. She didn’t steal anything. And
so, but she like so many. You know, Merrick Garland sent out a press
release today bragging about how the DOJ is now arrested 500 people in this
investigation, including people today. There was an arrest of a Florida
father, who was arrested by the FBI in front of his young daughter. He
faces three charges, trespassing and disorderly conduct, just like Ms.
Lloyd faced too. Their lives are being destroyed, their finances are being
depleted, their reputations destroyed as well.
And this is a political prosecution. And now you have defense attorneys who
are supposed to be protecting these people, fighting the government charges
going along with his prosecution and the presumption that these people are
racist and need to apologize for their white privilege, which is basically
unfortunately what Ms. Lloyd had to do in court.
INGRAHAM: And meanwhile, you can loot and burn Police cars in New York, and
you’ll probably just be just fine.
KELLY: Exactly.
INGRAHAM: Julie, thank you for that report.
Now, we just mentioned her, Anna Morgan-Lloyd of Bloomfield, Indiana, the
first January 6 defendant to be sentenced after pleading guilty to a single
charge of parading, which is a misdemeanor. Now it’s a far cry from the
insurrection charges the media has been throwing around for months now.
What’s more shocking is how the FBI hunted her down and put her in jail for
two days for a misdemeanor charge.
Anna Morgan-Lloyd joins me now. Anna, were you really told why you were
held for two days?
to see a judge.
INGRAHAM: Were you a flight risk?
LLOYD: No, no, no. I’ve lived in the same area all my life.
INGRAHAM: And they gave you this public defender who then makes you read a
script or asks you to read a script about how you are learning, and
basically, I’m paraphrasing, but evolving as a person. What did that make
you feel like?
MORGAN-LLOYD: At first it concerned me that she thought I was racist, but I
read the books. It didn’t bother me because I’m not racist. And they were
interesting. And I would recommend anybody read “Just Mercy,” because it
was a very emotional book. But it didn’t bother me. I was more than willing
to read them because I’m not racist.
INGRAHAM: Why did you go to the Capitol that day?
MORGAN-LLOYD: I went to support Donald Trump, to show my support. And we
met an elderly lady that day, and she headed up the steps. And I wanted to
protect her because I would’ve felt terrible if she went up those steps
that day and was hurt. So I went up the steps behind her to protect her.
And when she went into the building, my friend turned to me, and she was
like, she went in. So we went in to get her out, just to keep her safe.
INGRAHAM: Did you see people smashing statues or police officers or
barricades or fire extinguish — whatever they were saying, did you see any
of that? But it’s on film that of that did occur.
MORGAN-LLOYD: Where I was at, we seen nobody damage anything. And people
were actually very polite. I had a young man accidentally knock my phone
out of my hand, and he is like, oh, excuse me, and he hurried up and picked
up my phone and made sure it was OK. If anybody bumped into anybody, it was
excuse me. And people were very polite. And nobody was breaking anything.
And it was common enough that people were actually walking out of the
Capitol building that worked there, walked right past us, and they had no
fear on their face at all.
INGRAHAM: When they call it in insurrection, what you say?
MORGAN-LLOYD: I can only talk about the area I was in, and I don’t believe
it. But as I said, that is only the area I was at the Capitol. People were
not breaking the windows. We’d seen nothing.
INGRAHAM: So you just walked in?
MORGAN-LLOYD: Yes. We followed a 74-year-old woman in to get her out. She
didn’t fight anybody to get in. We’ve seen police officers standing in the
back hallway. They were standing and they were relaxed. They didn’t tell
anybody to leave. They were talking and chatting with people.
INGRAHAM: How has this affected your life?
MORGAN-LLOYD: Well, I didn’t even get to go back to work. I was fired from
my job at Cook Medical, and I had been there 13 years, and they didn’t even
bother to ask me what my part in that day was. They didn’t even bother to
ask me if I was violent or if I had even seen any violence. I was fired. I
didn’t even go back to work to get my stuff. They sent it through FedEx.
INGRAHAM: Do you have a job now?
MORGAN-LLOYD: No. My husband wants me to stay home and be a mama.
INGRAHAM: Anna, thank you for telling this story. And this is just, it’s
like I can’t even believe I’m hearing any of this. A charge for parading
through the Capitol, for that you’re held for two days, lose your job, and,
obviously, incredibly traumatic. But I’m glad you read a couple decent
books, I guess. Thank you. We’ll continue to follow this story, obviously.
And Dr. Fauci caught on tape peddling more unscientific lies. It was so bad
the Biden team tried to hide it, but don’t worry. We found the video.
And speak of cover-ups, why did NIH delete important COVID data at the
behest of the Chinese? Congressman Mike Gallagher wants answers. He’s here
INGRAHAM: The Biden administration’s newest COVID vaccine PSA wasn’t just a
total flop, it further exposed to Fauci’s fraud. It all started when the
White House posted then suddenly pulled down this video of Fauci urging
people to get vaccinated in face of the delta variant. Eventually the Biden
team reposted this video of Fauci.
that this virus transmits more easily and can be more dangerous has been
the underlying reason why they have made that change and upgraded it, as it
were, to a variant of concern.
INGRAHAM: That alone is embarrassing. In fact, COVID cases,
hospitalizations, deaths have all plummeted at least 20 percent or more in
the last two weeks, and that’s despite all the variants we are supposed to
cower in fear of. But it gets worse. It turns out the White House took down
the original video so they could edit some of it out. Luckily, we found the
even though they are very, very well protected, they still should try as
best as possible to avoid congregate settings in which there are a lot of
unvaccinated people, particularly if you happen to live in an area where
the infection rate is high and the vaccination rate is low.
INGRAHAM: Wait a second, they think that’s selling the vaccine? If you are
vaccinated, you still have to do all the other stuff you did before. Why
would anyone already apprehensive about getting the vaccine be motivated to
get the vaccine if you get the vaccine and you still have to socially
distance from the world or mask up?
While Fauci further exposes himself as a fraud, we are learning that his
own NIH was doing the bidding of the CCP. In a stunning admission to “The
Wall Street Journal” the NIH says it scrubbed its database of some of the
genomic sequences from the early COVID cases at the request of Chinese
scientists. Now, it makes you wonder, what other info has the NIH buried at
the request of China?
Joining me now is Wisconsin Congressman Mike Gallagher who is all over
this. Congressman, seems like every other day we learned of some other
really weird connection between our NIH and the folks at that Wuhan lab and
all of this COVID craziness that has resulted from it.
continues to throw cold water on the lab leak hypothesis because his
organization under the NIH was funneling millions of dollars through
EcoHealth Alliance to the Wuhan Institute of Virology for dangerous gain of
function research to take naturally coronaviruses and do crazy experiments
on them and make them more pathogenic, more chimeric. In other words, our
taxpayer dollars were being used to meddle with the primal forces of nature
in cooperation with the genocidal communist government dedicated to our own
And where is the outrage? This week in fact, Fauci went on a “New York
Times” podcast and suggested that the intelligence community assessment
saying that lab workers at the Wuhan Institute got sick prior to the
broader outbreak was bogus. Fauci is attacking the intelligence community.
Where’s the outrage? He further suggests in that interview, if you listen
to it, that he hasn’t even bothered to read the intelligence. That’s crazy.
What Dr. Fauci is doing is not advancing science. He’s advancing a dogmatic
adherence to a religion that suggests you can’t question the scientific
INGRAHAM: Now, the Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines said
something about the intel community’s COVID origins investigation. “We’re
hoping to find a smoking gun, but it’s challenging to do that,” adding that
“it might happen, but it might not.” Congressman, she sounds really
committed to finding the answer about how this entire virus started right?
Of course not.
GALLAGHER: Well, of course, we have actually had scientists who are not
right-wing scientist, Nobel Prize Winners like David Baltimore, who
suggested that the furin cleavage site that we found in the sequence of the
virus is itself a smoking gun. Now, he’s walked that back a little bit, but
there are aspects to this virus scientifically that suggest that it was
modified in a lab.
More to the point, the intelligence community released an unclassified
assessment in April of 2020 in which they said they all agree with the
strong scientific consensus that this thing was not man-made or genetically
modified. Why did our intelligence committee go out there and parrot
uncritically the work of the scientists who were ethically compromised
because they had gotten millions of dollars to do cooperative gain of
function research with the Wuhan Institute of Virology where we know we had
significant securities concerns? Two years prior to the outbreak, we had
security concerns flagged by our government.
We have to get to the bottom of this. And Fauci telling us that any
criticism of him is questioning science is the most unscientific statement
I could imagine. Science is about being able to disconfirm and disprove
your prior beliefs.
INGRAHAM: What’s very strange about all of this is we have a government
that has locked down millions of people, and state governments and blue
states, locked down, devastated the lives of children, destroyed small
businesses. And it turns out we may have funded the lab that started this
whole mess. And we are not going to do a commission on that? Nancy is doing
the commission on January 6th or whatever she’s calling it, but we’re not
going to have a commission on this? If these dots ultimately get connected,
it’s one of the biggest scandals in the history of the United States,
certainly maybe the world.
GALLAGHER: It’s already the biggest intelligence failure since 9/11. What
is even more troubling is we have a government who believed that we could
trust the Chinese Communist Party to be responsible, right, which is
absolutely crazy.
INGRAHAM: No, no. Fauci did that. Fauci trusted them. He told me that
February of 2020 before he stopped coming on the show. Congressman, thank
you for staying on this.
And a Pennsylvania school board come under fire from parents upset at that
divisive curriculum being taught to their kids, so what did the school
board do? They took down the videos. The man who exposed them, though, is
here next.
INGRAHAM: Parents all over the country are rallying against their school
districts when they embrace that Critical Race Theory, you’ve seen it. But
one district’s reaction was absolutely shocking. It’s the Pennsbury school
district in Pennsylvania. It was caught scrubbing public testimony against
its racially divisive curriculum from the Internet. It’s a stunning
discovery, and it led Simon Campbell, a former member of the school board
there, to lay into his former colleagues.
apparently have a bigger problem with public comments. It seems to me that
you think you can supersede the United States Constitution.
CAMPBELL: Well? I’ve got news for you, school board president Benito
Mussolini, your power does not supersede that of the U.S. Constitution and
the First Amendment rights of the citizens of this great nation. Let’s be
very, very clear who has the power.
INGRAHAM: Simon Campbell joins me now. Simon, have you ever heard of a
school district going back and essentially doctoring public comments to
make them look less critical of what they’re doing? Have you ever heard of
that before, at least in the United States?
CAMPBELL: No. It’s unbelievable to me. The good news is I have calmed down
since then. I haven’t had to shout at any left-wing fascists. I’ve had a
cup of tea.
When I found out, before we even get into Critical Race Theory, that they
were literally screaming and shouting parents down for peacefully speaking
against public policy, and then cutting the videotape of public comment
that they were posting on the school district’s website, I spoke to a mom
outside the school board meeting room a few minutes I went in, and she said
she was too scared to speak at the prior meeting because of the activities
of the school. And I’m like, this is the United States of America, this is
not OK. So I kind of suited up and sat down and said, let’s go.
INGRAHAM: After — I guess this is according to a report that after that
really contentious March meeting that was censored, the school board
president, Christine Toy-Dragoni, sent a letter to parents that said one
parent’s comments, quote, “contained microaggressions” as well as
explicitly racist ideas. She went on to write that “Racist dog whistles are
seemingly-innocuous often not noticeable to some but that explicitly
communicate a more insidious and abusive message to a subset of the
So Simon, instead of answering the criticism, she is doing with the left
always does, just basically accusing anyone who disagrees with her of
thought crimes, racism, every other ism you can think of. Are you and
others working to remove that cancer from the office that she serves in?
CAMPBELL: Absolutely. We found out under Pennsylvania’s right to know law
that that public statement by the school board president was basically
ghost written by the director of equity, or whatever nonsense —
INGRAHAM: And inclusion. Diversity, equity, and inclusion, get it right.
CAMPBELL: Yes, the tolerance lady. The tolerance lady is lobbying the
school board president to ban speech because she knows best what Martin
Luther King was talking about, not the public comment speaker. So the
tolerance lady is being fanatically intolerant, and the school board
president is going along with it.
And the problem with it is this — if you are a regular member of the
public and you see public statements put out by school board president that
basically say if you come down here and express your views, we are going to
label you a racist, we are going to make public statements about you, and
we’re going to ban your speech from the tape of the meeting. That’s like
1930s Germany.
INGRAHAM: It’s definitely terrifying. Lord knows what happened to the kids.
When we come back, what do Brian Stelter and Nicolle Wallace have in
common? The Last Bite explain.
INGRAHAM: Remember this Brian Stelter question to Jen Psaki?
when covering Biden’s agenda?
I want to know what the job is like versus what you expected it to be like.
INGRAHAM: Nicolle Wallace would like a word.
NICOLLE WALLACE: You get such high marks from the vast majority of the
people in that room. How do you feel like it’s going?
JEN PSAKI, WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY: It’s also a place where I have to
answer tough questions.
WALLACE: Stand your ground
PSAKI: There you go.
INGRAHAM: Spooning alert.
Gutfeld next.
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