HomeUncategorizedIllegal immigrants in Broward Co., Florida to be offered IDs for vaccines...

Illegal immigrants in Broward Co., Florida to be offered IDs for vaccines and public services

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A nonprofit in Broward County in Florida will offer illegal immigrants (and others) identification cards so they can get taxpayer-funded services, including Covid-19 vaccinations. That’s according to the watchdog group Judicial Watch.

The measure comes after a unanimous vote by the county’s commissioners to establish the program.

Open border groups who favor illegal immigration had reportedly been concerned that, in some cases, issuing driver’s licenses or other government forms of ID to illegal immigrants would assist federal authorities in identifying people in the U.S. illegally.

As an end run to keep the names of illegal immigrants out of a government database, the county is directing the nonprofit to issue the IDs. Nonprofit groups typically do not have to comply with public record requests, says Judicial Watch.

Proponents of the measure say the ID cards will help disadvantaged people, often minorities, who are homeless, undocumented, ex-cons, or elderly. They say such populations might not otherwise be able to access the services.

The Broward County sheriff reportedly supports the offering of IDs, saying it will have a positive impact on public safety.

The Broward County ID card program is in contrast to the state’s overall strong stance against illegal immigration.

Florida law banned “sanctuary cities” last year and the state law forbids does issuing driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants.

Several other Florida counties are also in the process of implementing similar ID programs for illegal immigrants through nonprofits to “protect the privacy” of the illegal immigrants.

Click here to read more from Judicial Watch

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