About 46% of the public says the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) is at least somewhat untrustworthy. That’s according to a recent Invisibly online poll.
Fifty-four percent (54%) said the CDC is slightly or completely trustworthy.
The number of people who said CDC information is “completely untrustworthy” (33%) is up 10 percentage points over a year ago.
Young people aged 18-24 are most likely to trust CDC guidelines (58%).
Twenty-eight percent (28%) of people said they believe their state’s reopening is going too slow.
Twenty-three percent (23%) said they think their state’s reopening is moving too fast.
About 29% said they are happy with their state’s progress on reopening.
When asked this year and last year, most say they used their stimulus checks for paying bills.

Click on the link below to read the Invisibly poll story:

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