HomeUncategorized3 Points the Media Is Still Getting Wrong About Wuhan Lab Theory,...

3 Points the Media Is Still Getting Wrong About Wuhan Lab Theory, and the Documents to Prove It

The following is an excerpt from Sharyl Attkisson’s article in Epoch Times.

1. U.S. Taxpayer Money Did Go to Controversial ‘Gain of Function’ Research

Thanks to some confusing verbal gymnastics by Dr. Anthony Fauci, some in the media are giving the impression that there’s no proof U.S. tax money funded “gain of function” research or that, perhaps, the research didn’t qualify as gain of function. However, the evidence on this point is clear cut.

A 2015 published study specifically discloses that the research is gain of function research that took bat coronavirus that was harmless to people—and made it infectious in humans. The study further states that the National Institutes of Health (NIH) approved continuation of the research even amid a general ban on such studies.

2. The Gain of Function Research with China Did Not Only Receive U.S. Support and Money Through the Nonprofit ‘EcoHealth Alliance,’ but Also Directly

Many media reports refer to several millions of dollars in tax money sent from the NIH to the Wuhan lab via the New York-based nonprofit “EcoHealth Alliance.” However, research with the lab, and the lab itself, received significant additional U.S. support including:

  • Grants directly from the NIH.
  • Grants directly from Dr. Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and the NIH.
  • Additional funds from EcoHealth Alliance that were initially undisclosed.
Epoch Times Photo
Excerpt from a correction issued on the controversial 2015 gain of function study. (Screenshot via Nature.com)
  • Assistance from the University of Texas. (See excerpt from study below.)
Epoch Times Photo
Excerpt from controversial 2015 gain of function study. (Screenshot via Nature.com)
  • Resources from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). (See study disclosure below.)
Epoch Times Photo
Excerpt from controversial 2015 gain of function study. (Screenshot via Nature.com)


Read the full story at the link below. (See Sharyl Attkisson’s full investigation on Covid-19 origins here.)


To support my independent reporting and fight government overreach in Attkisson v. DOJ and FBI, visit here: https://www.gofundme.com/sharyl-attkisson-4th-am-litigation

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