HomeStrategyPolitics'We Had No Control Over What They Were Doing.'

‘We Had No Control Over What They Were Doing.’

Dr. Francis Collins, the director of the National Institute for Health (NIH), appears to have directly contradicted his underling Dr. Anthony Fauci in a bombshell moment from an interview with Hugh Hewitt yesterday. 

The revelations further implicate those who approved U.S. grants to the lab, and the EcoHealth Alliance run by the British-born Peter Dazcak – who The National Pulse first reported on back in February.

Speaking to the veteran radio host, Dr. Collins admitted about U.S. collaboration with the Wuhan lab:

Well, we, when we give a grant, Hugh, it has terms attached to it of what it is that the grantee is supposed to be doing with those funds. And we require annual reports to see whether that in fact is what they have been doing. And we trust the grantee to be honest and not deceptive. The grant funds that went to Wuhan, which were a subcontract from Eco Health, were very specifically aimed to try to categorize viruses that they could isolate from bats in Chinese caves, which we had a good reason to want to know more about, given SARS and MERS that had come out of there. And so we basically had those criteria attached to the grant. And of course, the amount of money that we were providing to the Wuhan Institute of Virology, I’m sure, was a tiny fraction of their total funding. And we had no control over what else they were doing with those funds. That’s another thing we’d like to know more about, and an investigation might potentially tell us.

MUST READ:  WATCH: Fauci Brags of Private Calls With Chinese Communist Party Researchers.

Collins goes on to admit that the Chinese Communist Party is, in fact, involved in the Wuhan lab, but attempts to play down their influence.

In truth – as The National Pulse has revealed – the lab hosts communist study sessions in order to boost “party spirit” and fealty to the Chinese Communist Party.

When asked if the NIH would collaborate with other human rights abusers and tyrannies such as North Korea, Dr. Collins replied, “Probably not,” before adding:

I think you’re demonizing the Wuhan Institute of Virology as it is pure and simple an instrument of the Chinese Communist Party. There are certainly connections there, but let’s be clear. There are scientists working in that institute who are amongst the best in the world in terms of understanding virology. And many of those folks have had long-term relationships with others in other countries, including the United States, with a lot of respect, a lot of shared information. I don’t think we should just basically say well, because they’re in that country, they’re evil. I think you’re going too far with that one.

The stunning news contravenes the claims by Dr. Anthony Fauci, that the NIH/NIAID that the U.S. had not collaborated with the Wuhan lab on gain-of-function research.

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