HomeStrategyPoliticsWATCH: Biden pushes 'free beer' for getting vaccinated, stumbles when challenged on...

WATCH: Biden pushes ‘free beer’ for getting vaccinated, stumbles when challenged on Putin

President Joe Biden spoke on Wednesday to encourage Americans to get vaccinated. He touted corporate incentive programs, like those offered by major league sports, and even a plan by Anheuser-Busch to give out free beer on July 4th in support of the White House vaccination initiative.

He said that Americans “are able to return to closer to normal life. Fully vaccinated people are safely shredding their masks and greeting one another with a smile. Grandkids are hugging their grandkids again.”

As a means to get people vaccinated, to bring vaccines to the people, Biden said “in the spirit of meeting people where we are, we’ll also be working with Black Coalition Against COVID, and other organizations, to launch a new initiative called ‘shots at the shop.’

“Barber shops, beauty shops, are hubs of activity and information in black and brown communities particularly, but in many communities across the nation. Local barbers, stylists, they become key advocates for vaccinations in their communities.”

Biden said that “since January 20, and we’re talking now about 15 months ago, the average cases are down from 184,000 to 19,000.”

As he departed the podium, Biden was asked about the recent hacks against meat supplier JBS and Colonial, with a reporter asking “Do you thin Putin is testing you?”

“No,” Biden replied.

Biden has been pushing the vaccine program since he took office. He said in May that people who don’t get the vaccine will “pay the price.”

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki was asked on Tuesday why there have been so many cyber attacks into American companies by Russian hackers. Psaki basically blamed the corporations for having been attacked.

“First I would say these are private sector entities, who have a responsibility to put in place measures to protect their own cyber security. As is relates to why criminal actors are taking action against private sector entities? I don’t think I’m the right one to speak to that,” Psaki replied.

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