Donations make it Possible to Feeding the Hungry in NYC this Summer Through Hope For The Future Ministries
Bringing God’s love to New York and Long Island

A ministry that: Hope For The Future Ministries
- Feeds the poor and homeless
- Arranges rehab for the addict and alcoholic
- Runs church on the street where all are welcome
- Regularly sees people make a 1st time commitment to Jesus
View latest newsletter – May-June.

Hope for the Future Ministries does more than help the poor survive. It offers them hope for the future in many ways, including:
- Weekly supply of hot meals and pantry bags to meet the basic survival needs.
- Supply of blankets and toiletries for those living on the streets.
- Materials such as bedding, bathroom accessories, cooking utensils and other items to help lift an appartment from being just a room, to being a home.
Part of Hope for the Future that makes it more than a soup kitchen is the weekly church service in an environment that does not judge or condemn people for their current situation. As part of spiritual support there is also counselling for the many problems encountered in inner city life, and where needed, connection to rehabilitation programes for those struggling with drug and alcohol dependancy.

Does this work?
If you are looking for success, just look at the results since 1987 when Pastor Diane Dunne started the ministry:
- Over 500 hot meals served each week.
- Over 2000 pantry bags supplied each week.
- Over 150 people who would feel uncomfortable in a normal church, attend the Church without Walls church service every week.
If you want to know about lives changed, hundreds of people making a first time commitment to Jesus (compare this to the quantity in an average church), hundreds of people getting free from drugs and alcohol, as well as the senior citizens finding a place of comfort and companionship.
Pastor Diane Dunne
1954 – 2020
We are sad to announce the death of Pastor Diane Dunne.
The ministry is continuing the great legacy she left.
In her 20’s seeing the needs of people on the street, Diane gave up her job to train for street ministry. After graduating she came into contact with the homeless and poor, and being challenged by God to do something about the needs she saw, instead of getting a job in a church, she got a job cleaning construction sites to raise money and used that to feed those in need. When asked why she did it, she explained she was doing what the Bible said.
From that early start there is now a ministry that every week serves over 500 hot meals and 2000 pantry bags to those in need.
Link: Hope For The Future Ministries Appreciate your Gift and Giving.
Feed the Hungry in NYC Jesus Is Joy MinistrySummer Fund Raising open to Receive your Dogecoin Donations. To Help Feed the Hungry in NYC and Long Island and the World with your Help. Appreciate your help and Support through this new Break-through opportunity.