The following is commentary intended for discussion. Add your comments
The employment rate is lagging and companies are hurting for workers.
That, amid growing concern that some people aren’t working because they do well enough by collecting extra Covid-19-related unemployment benefits, an extra $300 a month beyond normal.
Or, in some cases, people may be working “under the table” while continuing to collect benefits.
This week, President Biden said there’s not much evidence that’s the case. However, he also said the government will make ti clear that unemployed people who are offered a suitable job must take it, or lose their unemployment benefits.
That raises several questions.
Who decides what a “suitable” job for a person is? The unemployment benefit case worker? The federal government?
How is the job offer discovered? Obviously, people who offer someone a job do not report it to the federal government if the person turns down the job. Is the government relying on unemployed folks to self-report that they turned down a suitable job?
Anyone collecting unemployment, if offered a suitable job, must take the job or lose unemployment benefits…That’s the law.
President Joe Biden
What do you think?

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