The following is a news analysis.

The highly-regarded National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) says it has been de-platformed by Facebook and Instagram, as those working in the interest of the pharmaceutical industry further clamp down on open online access to important medical information.
Rational thinking and freedom of speech about vaccination and public health laws is no longer tolerated online.
Barbara Loe Fisher, National Vaccine Information Center
Though NVIC is neither “pro-” nor “anti-” vaccine, the group is a target because it provides reputable scientific information to parents and medical professionals about vaccine safety concerns, from individual “lots” of vaccines that are recalled by the manufacturer or prove problematic; to peer-reviewed, published studies related to vaccine safety issues.
To learn about more censored people and topics, click the CENSORED tab at the top of this page.
Founder Barbara Loe Fisher says, “Big Tech’s thought police are particularly upset when NVIC posts information about reports of serious COVID-19 vaccine complications and deaths, while descriptions of COVID-19 disease complications and deaths are allowed on social media platforms without restriction.”
Read more from NVIC below.
Barbara Loe Fisher, NVIC
Thoughts about NVIC being de-platformed by Facebook, Instagram and online censorship
May 3 2021
Rational thinking and freedom of speech about vaccination and public health laws is no longer tolerated online. After Facebook de-platformed NVIC in March 2021 followed by Instagram suspending our account in April, which represented more than 300,000 followers, I knew that our non-profit charity had been put at the very top of a hit list created by the public private business partnership between Big Pharma and government that now includes Big Tech.
If you dare to ask questions or criticize the accuracy of government narratives about vaccination or the COVID pandemic, you risk being demonized and silenced by politically powerful, wealthy owners of social media platforms and top level Internet domains. They are the ones in control of who is allowed to speak in today’s virtual equivalent of the public square.
Big Tech’s thought police are particularly upset when NVIC posts information about reports of serious COVID-19 vaccine complications and deaths, while descriptions of COVID-19 disease complications and deaths are allowed on social media platforms without restriction. It is no wonder government and industry don’t want people to talk about vaccine reactions, when pharmaceutical companies were paid billions of dollars by US taxpayers to fast track experimental vaccines to market and were handed a special liability shield by Congress so nobody can sue if the vaccine causes harm or fails to work as advertised. With that kind of lucrative COVID vaccine business deal in play, the last thing the public needs is to have freedom of speech censored on the Internet, a forum that is turning into a drug company stockholder’s dream and a consumer’s worst nightmare.
One way we can restore freedom of speech to the Internet is to elect enlightened lawmakers at the state and federal level, who will have the courage to defend civil liberties outlined in the Bill of Rights of the US Constitution and ensure they are protected. Another way is to stop playing into the hands of people who abuse and censor us for political power and profit. We can take our public conversations about vaccination and health to social media platforms and domains that embrace freedom of speech and get off of Facebook, Instagram and other Internet forums operated by businessmen who have become sock puppets for industry and government.
I believe that industry and government want NVIC eliminated from the online public square because (1) our small non-profit was founded by parents of DPT vaccine injured children and we launched the vaccine safety and informed consent movement in the US in the late 20th century; (2) NVIC co-founders worked with Congress to secure vaccine safety informing, recording, reporting and research provisions in the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine injury Act, legislation that was strongly opposed by the US Department of Health and Human Services and Department of Justice, and we managed to successfully preserve civil liability for vaccine administrators and vaccine manufacturers in the original law until it was weakened over three decades by congressional amendments, federal agency rule making and, in 2011, was fatally compromised by the U.S. Supreme Court; (3) we have empowered consumers for four decades with accurate, well referenced information about vaccination and diseases to facilitate educated vaccine decision-making; and (4) we have worked since 2010 with families in the states through the NVIC Advocacy Portal to educate legislators about the need to secure informed consent protections in public health laws, including flexible medical, religious and conscientious belief vaccine exemptions.
About NVIC:
National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) is a non-profit charity established in 1982 by parents of DPT vaccine injured children to prevent vaccine injuries and deaths through public education. We publish thoroughly referenced information about vaccine science, policy and law and the human right to informed consent to medical risk taking on three websites (, and Our flagship website was launched in 1995 and is the largest and oldest non-governmental consumer operated website on the Internet publishing vaccine and disease information.
NVIC does not make vaccine use recommendations for or against vaccination. We advocate for the legal right of every American to make educated, voluntary decisions about vaccination for themselves and their minor children without being threatened, coerced or punished by anyone for the decision made.

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