It was widely reported last year that Russian spies were offering Islamic extremist Taliban militants in Afghanistan bounties for killing U.S. soldiers.
Then-presidential candidate Joe Biden used the claim of Russian bounties on U.S. soldiers as a campaign talking point against President Trump.
Trump expressed skepticism of the Russian bounty story at the time, questioning the sources and motives for the story.
It turns out Trump might have been right.
The Biden White House said this past week that intelligence officials have only “low to moderate confidence … that Russian intelligence officers sought to encourage Taliban attacks against U.S. and coalition personnel in Afghanistan”.
The reason that they have low to moderate confidence in this judgment is, in part, because it relies on detainee reporting and also due to the challenging operating environment in Afghanistan — so, it’s challenging to gather this intelligence and this data
Biden Administration Press Secretary Jen Psaki
Click on the link below to read the report:

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Fight improper government surveillance. Support Attkisson v. DOJ and FBI over the government computer intrusions of Attkisson’s work while she was a CBS News investigative correspondent. Visit the Attkisson Fourth Amendment Litigation Fund. Click here.