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POLL: Majority say businesses and individuals, not govt., should decide whether to require vaccine passports

Majority says bridal party and venue should decide when it comes to Covid restrictions
Photo by: Juhster

Sixty-two percent (62%) of registered voters polled said restaurant owners, not the government, should decide whether to require proof of Covid-19, such as a “vaccine passport.” That’s according to a recent Scott Rasmussen poll.

Twenty-six percent (26%) said it should be up to the the government.

Twelve percent (12%) said they are unsure whether the government or the restaurant owner should decide whether to require proof of vaccination.

The poll found similar results when asking the same question about a wedding reception, with 63% saying it should be up to the people getting married and the event venue, not the government.

A majority of Republican voters and pluralities of Democrat and other registered voters say the choice belongs to the individuals involved rather than government officials.

A majority of the registered voters polled (54%) support the idea of vaccine passports for public events and 41% do not.

Click here to read Scott Rasmussen poll story on vaccine passports

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