HomeUncategorizedMedical examiner rules Officer Sicknick died of natural causes

Medical examiner rules Officer Sicknick died of natural causes

U.S. Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick experienced two strokes after the January 6th riots and died of natural causes on January 7th, according to Washington D.C. Chief Medical Examiner Francisco Diaz.

Capitol Police Officer Sicknick was working on January 6th when rioters stormed the Capitol building.

It was widely reported that Sicknick was injured by Trump-supporting rioters and later died because of injuries he sustained during the riots.

The autopsy did not reveal any evidence that Officer Sicknick had an allergic response to chemical irritants used during the riots, as some had speculated.

There was also no evidence that he suffered internal or external injuries. So, it does not appear that he was hit over the head with a fire extinguisher, as many news outlets reported immediately following his death.

The Medical Examiner’s press release (printed in full below) clarified that when a person dies of “natural” causes, disease alone caused the death. And, if death is hastened by an injury, the manner of death is not considered natural.

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