Reserve your spot for my online presentation that promises to be lively and informative!
We’ll cover topics from my bestseller SLANTED: How the news media taught us to love censorship and hate journalism.
Never was this topic more timely and important. Learn about information manipulation. Find out why the media has suspended its normal ethical standards. Call it out for what it is and return the power to the people!
Sunday, April 19 at 7pm ET.
Reserve your spot now by clicking the link:
Check out the other authors here.

Order “Slanted: How the News Media Taught Us to Love Censorship and Hate Journalism” by Sharyl Attkisson today at Harper Collins, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Books a Million, IndieBound, Bookshop!
Fight government overreach. Support free speech and free press. Donate to Attkisson v. DOJ here.