A Minnesota National Guard neighborhood security team says it was fired upon in a drive-by shooting early Sunday morning, with two guard members sustaining minor injuries.
The shooting occurred shortly before 4:20 a.m. in the Jordan neighborhood near the intersection of Penn Avenue and Broadway in northwest Minneapolis. According to a statement from the guard, a light-colored SUV fired several shots at a Minnesota Operation Safety Net team. Operation Safety Net is a joint effort among the Minneapolis Police Department, Hennepin County Sheriff’s Office, the State of Minnesota and local jurisdictions.
“I am relieved to know none of our Guardsmen were seriously injured,” said Adjutant General Maj. Gen. Shawn Manke. “This event highlights the volatility and tension in our communities right now. I ask for peace as we work through this difficult time.”
The Minnesota National Guard was activated as part of the effort, but many have been critical of the guard’s presence in Minneapolis neighborhoods this week amid tension with the Derek Chauvin trial and the recent Brooklyn Center police killing of 20-year-old Daunte Wright. Demonstrators have called on the guard to “go home.”
One guard member was injured from shattered glass and taken to the hospital while the other guardsman received “only superficial injuries,” according to Operation Safety Net.
Kim Hyatt • 612-673-4751
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