HomeUncategorized(FORUM) If majority in every group supports photo voter ID, why are...

(FORUM) If majority in every group supports photo voter ID, why are we led to believe the opposite?

The following is commentary intended for discussion. Add your comments!

As I’ve written about in my books “The Smear” and “Slanted,” the forces who want to control our opinions and access to information use the internet and social media to great advantage.

I explained that they want to flood you with the impression that what you may think or feel, if it’s not what they want you to think, is a fringe view held by only a few.

They hope that you will be silenced or even change your mind if you come to believe that most everyone else feels differently than you. Or believes a certain claim the interests are making. Or doesn’t believe a certain study that hurts their financial bottom line.

One example can be found in a recent Scott Rasmussen poll on voter ID requirements.

It finds 66% of voters think photo ID requirements are reasonable to improve confidence in elections and minimize the chances for fraud.

Only 25% of voters think photo ID requirements qualify as “voter suppression.”

Yet to listen to the news and engage in much of the internet, you might be led to think the opposite is the case.

The Scott Rasmussen poll further found that “A majority of every measured demographic group hold the view that [photo ID] requirements are reasonable. That includes 77% of Republicans, 67% of Independents, and 56% of Democrats.”

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