HomeStrategyPoliticsWATCH: Tucker Carlson says the Democrats' narrative about the Capitol riot is...

WATCH: Tucker Carlson says the Democrats’ narrative about the Capitol riot is a ‘lie’

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Tucker Carlson took to his show on Fox News on Thursday to dispute the Democratic Party’s narrative behind the riot at Capitol Hill on Jan 6.

Carlson went through the various deaths which took place during the riot, asking “who were these people and how did they die? That’s how you understand what actually happened.”

Carlson began by pointing out that all five people who perished in the riot were Trump supporters, arguing that it is “relevant” due to the claims of multiple Democratic Party officials that they were coming for them. It is unclear how an imbalance in deaths proves the claim that the rioters were willing to harm Democratic politicians to be incorrect.

“The first among them was a 34-year-old woman from Georgia called Rosanne Boyland,” Carlson continued, noting that it is unclear whether she died of a “medical emergency” or was “accidentally” trampled by the crowd.

“The second casualty was 55-year-old Kevin Greeson, Greeson died of heart failure while talking to his wife on his cell phone outside the Capitol.” Greeson’s wife noted that he had a “history of high blood pressure.”

“The third was 50-year-old Benjamin Philips of Ringtown, Pennsylvania. Philips was a Trump supporter who organized a bus trip to Washington for the rally that day. He died of a stroke on the grounds of the Capitol.” Carlson noted that there is no evidence that he was involved in the storming of the Capitol.

“The fourth person to die, the only person to die that day of intentional violence, was 35-year-old Ashli Babbitt,” Carlson said, noting that she was seen on video being shot inside the Capitol building despite being unarmed. Carlson criticized lawmakers who held up the shooter as a hero, noting that the public has not even been informed who it was who shot her.

“We may never know exactly why this unnamed Capitol Hill police officer took her life,” Carlson said, further criticizing Republicans for not seeking to find out why she was shot.

The final death in the riot was Officer Brian Sicknick, who was “brutally beaten… to death with a fire extinguisher.” Carlson noted that Sicknick was lionized by many politicians on both sides of the aisle, many of whom had promoted anti-police rhetoric in the months leading up to the Capitol riot. However, he did not directly dispute the narrative surrounding his death, which contradicts a previous claim he made about Ashli Babbitt, who he said was “the only person to die that day of intentional violence.”

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