HomeUncategorizedCANCELED: Science challenging Covid lockdowns

CANCELED: Science challenging Covid lockdowns

Thousands of scientist have signed onto the “Barrington Declaration” claiming that strict lockdowns do more harm than good.

According to JustTheNews.com:

The [Barrington] declaration, which has so far been signed by nearly 800,000 individuals worldwide, including tens of thousands of medical professionals and experts, expressed “grave concerns about the damaging physical and mental health impacts of the prevailing COVID-19 policies,” and urged public officials to adopt more targeted approaches to virus mitigation. 


The scientists have substantial science backing their claim, including peer-reviewed, published data.

One of the latest such studies was co-authored by Stanford Professor of Medicine Jay Bhattacharya. He was an early voice speaking out against lockdowns as a method to supposedly control Covid-19.

Stanford Medical Professor Jay Bhattacharya

In the new scientific study, comparisons among a dozen countries found that those who instituted strict lockdowns early on, such as the U.S. did not have a better outcome than those that took less restrictive measures, such as Sweden and South Korea.

The Facebook page for the Barrington Declaration was reportedly removed from Facebook without notice or explanation on February 4.

Read more at the link below at JustTheNews.com.


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