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Media FAILS to ask Biden press sec one question about troops sleeping in parking garage

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Not one single member of the White House Press Corporation asked Biden press secretary Jen Psaki about the National Guardsmen forced to sleep in a cold parking garage after the inauguration.

Just after President Joe Biden took the oath of office, thousands of National Guardsmen were forced to leave the Capitol premises and the National Mall grounds that they were protecting and were stuck bunking in a nearby congressional parking garage.

According to Politico, one of the units demobilized at the Dirksen Senate Office building was ordered to leave the facility. The group took refuge where only one electrical outlet and one bathroom were provided. There was also no internet reception available.

Meanwhile in the public eye, First Lady Jill Biden seized her photo opportunity to visit the National Guard troops still stationed outside the Capitol building, thanking them—in front of cameras—on behalf of the entire Biden family.

She then offered the Guardsmen chocolate chip cookies that the White House staff baked to commend them for their service—a backhanded parting gift adorned in red, white, and blue decor.

“I truly appreciate you, all that you do,” Biden stated, negating the behind-closed-doors banishment endured earlier. “The National Guard will always hold a special place in the heart of all the Bidens. Thank you very much.”

Over 25,000 Guardsmen from around the country were ordered to the nation’s capital in the wake of the Jan. 6 riot on Capitol Hill to provide additional security for Inauguration Day.

Bipartisan outcry has since bubbled at the circulated pictures of Guardsmen sleeping on the concrete floors in freezing temperatures.

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott instructed his state’s Guard members to return home after widespread reports revealed their abhorrent treatment.

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