(Then his spokesman also appears before press on federal property without a mask.)
Little clarity was provided at the White House briefing after President Joe Biden and some members of his family spent time at a federal monument maskless– in apparent violation of the executive order he’d signed just hours earlier requiring people to wear a mask at all times while on federal property.
White House spokesman Jen Psaki also was without a mask as she tried to explain why Biden wasn’t wearing his.
In response to a question from Fox News’ Peter Doocy, Psaki replied: “I think, Steve [sic], he was celebrating uh an evening a uh of a historic day in our country and certainly he signed a masked mandate because it’s a way to send a message to the American public about the importance of uh wearing masks, how it can save tens of thousands of lives… I don’t know that I have more on it for you than that.”
With Biden having criticized President Trump when he didn’t wear a mask, and emphasizing the “power of example,” Doocy followed up by asking whether Biden provided a good example.
Psaki answered by saying the power of Biden’s message was signing 25 executive orders, almost half of them related to coronavirus. She concluded: “I think we have bigger issues to worry about at this moment in time.”
Watch the clip by clicking the link below: