How did this scribbler know
we were being HOAXED back
in May ? :
At seeing graphs displaying
ONLY O-N-E climbing line of
communicable disease ? :
So, for months, I’ve been asking this FACTUALIST-type question,
whenever news reports displayed a single “evidentiary” graph-line :
“Where is the graph-line showing the normal year-to-year flu-bug
line ?”
Well, it’s hidden!—because the HOAX is well-exposed by the normal
year-to-year flu-bug LINE being juxtaposed on any Covid-19 graph !
And how about the normal year-to-year graph-line showing common
head- or chest-colds ? How many were warned to get hospital treat-,
ment, then KILLED on a mis-used ventilator (( before the Covid-19 HOAX,
hospitals were the 3rd leading cause of deaths!—BY botched doc-
toring and nursing, due mostly to Third-World, MONEY-SAVING HIRES
filling hospital staff across America )) ?
And where is the video of that white whistleblower nurse, trying
to hold back tears while describing her NYC peers practicing
botched healthcare to Covid-19 patients—and KILLING them! ;
and being warned by her ADMIN-people “not to make waves“ ?
There are several other logical FACTS indicating a POORLY
hatched HOAX by this Shadow Cabal—maybe put in a future post.