HomeUncategorizedCovid-19 Vaccine Analysis: The most common adverse events reported so far

Covid-19 Vaccine Analysis: The most common adverse events reported so far

As of July 19, 2021 there were 419,513 adverse event reports associated with Covid-19 vaccination in the U.S., with a total of 1,814,326 symptoms reported. That’s according to the federal Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) database.

Report an adverse event after vaccination online here.

Each symptom reported does not necessarily equal one patient. Adverse event reports often include multiple symptoms for a single patient.

Reporting of illnesses and symptoms that occur after Covid-19 vaccination does not necessarily mean they were caused by the vaccine. The system is designed to collect adverse events that occur after vaccination to uncover any patterns of illnesses that were not captured during vaccine studies.

Read CDC info on Covid-19 vaccine here.

Scientists have estimated that adverse events occur at a rate many fold higher than what is reported in VAERS, since it is assumed that most adverse events are not reported through the tracking system. Reports can be made by doctors, patients or family members and/or acquaintances, or vaccine industry representatives. 

Read: Exclusive summary: Covid-19 vaccine concerns.

Some observers claim Covid-19 vaccine adverse events are not as likely to be underreported as those associated with other medicine, due to close monitoring and widespread publicity surrounding Covid-19 vaccination.

Approximately 340 million doses of Covid-19 vaccine have been given in the U.S. Slightly less than half of the U.S. population is fully vaccinated.

According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the benefits of Covid-19 vaccine outweigh the risks for all groups and age categories authorized to receive it.

Watch: CDC disinformation re: studies on Covid-19 vaccine effectiveness in people who have had Covid-19.

The following is a summary of some of the most frequent adverse events reported to VAERS after Covid-19 vaccination. (It is not the entire list.)

Most common Covid-19 vaccine adverse events reported as of July 19, 2021

Yellow highlighted adverse events are subjects of investigations, warnings or stated concerns by public health officials. For details, click here.

128,370 Muscle, bone, joint pain and swelling including:

  • 39,902 Pain in extremity
  • 37,819 Myalgia, muscle pain, weakness, fatigue, spasms, disorders, related
  • 30,138 Arthralgia, joint pain or arthritis, swelling, joint disease, bone pain, spinal osteoarthritis
  • 14,682 Back pain, neck pain
  • 5,829 Muscle and skeletal pain, stiffness, weakness

119,866 Injection site pain, bleeding, hardening, bruising, etc.

105,332 Skin reddening, at injection site or elsewhere, rash, hives

100,564 Fatigue, lethargy, malaise, asthenia, abnormal weakness, loss of energy

89,302 Headache, incl. migraine, sinus

68,252 Vomiting, nausea

68,064 Fever

63,133 Chills

60,913 Pain

49,574 Dizziness

34,076 Flushing, hot flush, feeling hot, abnormally warm skin

31,785 Lung pain or abnormalities, fluid in lung, respiratory tract or lung congestion or infection, wheezing, acute respiratory failure including:

  • 23,005 Dyspnoea, difficulty breathing
  • 1,398 Pneumonia
  • 1,128 Respiratory arrest, failure, stopped or inefficient breathing, abnormal breathing
  • 563 Covid-19 pneumonia
  • 265 Mechanical ventilation
  • 217 Bronchitis

30,909 Skin swelling, pain, tightness, face swelling, swelling under skin, hives, angioedema including:

  • 7,579 Skin pain, sensitivity, burning, discoloration, tenderness

25,319 Heart failure, heart rhythm and rate abnormalities, atrial fibrillation, palpitations, flutter, murmur, pacemaker added, fluid in heart, abnormal echocardiogram including:

  • 3,105 Heart attack or cardiac arrest, sudden loss of blood flow from failure to pump to heart effectively, cardiac failure, disorder

22,085 Itchiness

29,861 Sensory disturbance including:

  • 8,236 Tinnitus, hearing noise
  • 7,951 Abnormal vision, blindness
  • 6,349 Ageusia, loss of taste, altered taste, disorders
  • 2,249 Anosmia, loss of smell, parosmia (rotten smell)
  • 2,075 Hypersensitivity
  • 1,560 Sensitivity or reaction to light 
  • 890 Hearing loss, deafness

20,403 Chest pain, discomfort

20,023 Fainting, feeling faint, total loss of consciousness

19,868 Paraesthesia, nerve tingling, prickling, incl. oral

15,671 Inflamed, abnormal, painful lymph nodes

15,552 Hyperhidrosis, increased sweating

15,536 Covid-19 or SARS-COV2 positive test

14,414 Lip, mouth, tongue, pharyngeal swelling, ulcer, oral or pain, inflammation, burning, itching

14,089 Diarrhea

13,909 Pain or sense of foreign body, irritation in throat, dysphagia, discomfort or difficulty swallowing

13,526 Sleep problems, disorders, sleep paralysis

12,850 Loss of feeling in part of body

12,624 Abdominal pain, discomfort, upper or lower

12,360 Feeling abnormal

10,744 Cough, cough syndrome 

10,042 Confusional state, disorientation, memory impairment, fatigue, amnesia, memory loss, disorder

8,943 Tremor

8,055 Nasal or sinus congestion, pain, dysfunction, sinusitis, inflammation

7,908 Blood pressure changes or problems

7,743 Nervousness, panic attack or disorder, anxiety

7,131 Decreased appetite

7,115 Heavy menstrual or uterine bleeding, bleeding between periods, disorder, vaginal hemorrhage, halt in period, short period 

7,181 Eye pain, swelling, itch, discomfort, redness, periorbital swelling

6,524 Loss of personal independence or impaired work ability

6,324 Thrombosis, blood clot including:

  • 2,306 Pulmonary embolism, thrombosis, lung blood clot

6,174 Flu or flu-like illness

6,118 “Condition aggravated”

5,770 Paralysis including:

  • 4,154 Bell’s Palsy, facial
  • 685 Paralysis on one side of body
  • 425 Paralysis, not specified, or other
  • 383 Guillain-Barre syndrome autoimmune paralysis
  • 123 Transverse myelitis, inflammation of spinal cord causing paralysis      

5,689 Product administered to person of inappropriate age

5,589 Decreased mobility

5,081 Herpes

5,039 Gait abnormal

4,672 Ear pain, discomfort, infection

4,434 Death

4,335 Fall

4,092 Unhealthy, pale appearance

4,017 Burning sensation

3,962 Immediate post-injection reaction

3,961 High blood pressure

3,464 Cerebral hemorrhage, stroke, brain bleeding, related

3,371 Axillary pain, pain in axillary artery (armpit)

3,199 Encephalopathy, brain damage, incl. seizures

3,002 Limb discomfort, injury, related

2,986 Cold sweat

2,683 Bleeding, various, incl. nose

2,585 Hypotension, low blood pressure

2,352 Discomfort

2,320 Contusion, bruise

2,277 Thrombocytopenia, low blood platelet count or decreased platelet count or red blood cell count or red blood cell deficit (anemia)

2,214 Balance disorder

2,105 Facial weakness, twitching

1,824 Frequent urination, urinary incontinence, retention, infection

1,799 Night sweats

1,749 Head discomfort

1,749 Inflammation 

1,668 Anaphylactic/anaphylactoid systemic, immediate reactions, possibly life-threatening 

1,578 Breast pain, swelling, tenderness

1,502 Abnormal muscle tone

1,367 Painful jaw inflammation, disorder of jaw, nerves, jaw pain

1,352 Blister

1,347 Kidney failure, pain, impairment, acute injury

1,300 Head injury

1,904 Myocarditis, inflammation of heart muscle; or pericarditis, inflammation of heart membrane

1,167 Hoarse

1,156 Peripheral coldness

1,139 Cellulitis, infection of inner layers of skin

1,097 Aphasia, loss of ability to understand speech, caused by brain damage

967 C-reactive protein increased, in response to inflammation

958 Speech disorder

946 Thirst

844 Restlessness, restless leg syndrome

726 Appendectomy, appendicitis

648 Hypoxia, deprivation of oxygen

631 Hallucination

610 Spontaneous abortion

587 Neuropathy, peripheral nerve disease

565 Toothache

515 Sepsis, septic shock, immune system breakdown, possibly leading to death

398 Hypokinesia, muted body movements

393 Alopecia, hair loss

313 Electric shock sensation

299 Blepharospasm, spasm causing tight closure of eyelids

285 Autoimmune disorders

244 Coughing up blood

207 Asymptomatic Covid

168 Blood transfusion

147 Multiple Sclerosis, incl. relapse

124 Rhabdomyolysis, muscle damage that can cause kidney failure

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