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(READ) Letter: Trump declares Constitutional privilege over documents requested by Democrats in Congress

Donald Trump remains one of the most significant and influential political figures in the world today. However, Trump has largely been censored in the news, on the Internet and by social media companies acting on behalf of corporate and political interests. Some of the difficult-to-find information regarding Trump will be published here in the interest of rejecting censorship of people, ideas, facts, studies and information.

Former President Donald Trump has written a letter to the National Archives declaring “Constitutional privilege” to withhold documents requested by Congressional Democrats investigating the January 6 protests and riots in Washington D.C.

The letter says the records contain information subject to executive privilege.

From: Trump letter to National Archives

Read the letter at the link below:


Read the Trump statement issued with the release of the letter:

– October 8, 2021 – 
Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America
I have sent a letter to the U.S. National Archives and Records Administration in defense of the Office of the Presidency, the Constitution, vital principles of separation of powers, and on behalf of our great Nation. The Radical Left Democrats tried the RUSSIA Witch Hunt, they tried the fake impeachments, and now they are trying once again to use Congress to persecute their political opponents. Their requests are not based in law or reality—it’s just a game to these politicians. They don’t care about our Country or the American people. The Democrats are drunk on power, but this dangerous assault on our Constitution and important legal precedent will not work. This Committee’s fake investigation is not about January 6th any more than the Russia Hoax was about Russia. Instead, this is about using the power of the government to silence “Trump” and our Make America Great Again movement, the greatest such achievement of all time. We won two elections, did far better in the second than the first, and now perhaps have to do it a third time! It is also about trying to deflect blame from Biden’s surrender in Afghanistan and the failures to address COVID, the border, crime, and the economy that is leaving Americans dead or broke. It’s another grand distraction, because Biden and the Democrats don’t want you to see how badly America is losing due to their incompetence. My administration, and the great patriots who worked on behalf of the American people, will not be intimidated. We will not allow Biden or the Radical Democrats to get off without accepting blame for their incompetence and failures. I will always fight for America First, and the Constitution. Together, we will Make America Great Again, Again! 

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