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The Righting interview about SLANTED and media criticism

The following is an interview about SLANTED conducted for TheRighting. Please note, Sharyl Attkisson, her news program, and her work are nonpartisan, though they have drawn interest and critical praise from many conservative observers — and liberal ones, too.

TheRighting Interview with MSM Critic and Author Sharyl Attkisson

Sharyl Attkisson has a list of journalism awards longer than Kayleigh McEnany’s eyelashes.  She’s reported on some of the biggest stories of our time for CBS News, CNN, PBS and Sinclair.  Yet after leaving CBS News in 2014, she has become a critic and watchdog of mainstream media which has, according to Attkisson, an underlying political narrative. In her latest book, “Slanted: How the News Media Taught Us to Love Censorship and Hate Journalism,” Attkisson takes aim at the practices of several of today’s mainstream media outlets that she charges are leading to the death of news as we once knew it.  These practices include: the abandonment of journalism ethics, the ubiquity of false media narratives,  the melding of facts and opinions in daily news reporting, and the proliferation of talking heads at the expense of actual news coverage on cable news networks.  TheRighting’s Howard Polskin reached out to Atkisson, who hosts Sinclair’s Sunday morning news program “Full Measure,” to conduct this email interview. 

Q.  Assuming I had an Aunt Ethel in Iowa who was a small town accountant or librarian, why should tell her to read your book?

Aunt Ethel has probably grown disgusted or disillusioned with the news or maybe has stopped watching altogether because she doesn’t recognize “the news” as being like it used to be or like she expects: a factual recitation of information that’s important and interesting. “Slanted” explains what’s behind the death of the news as we once knew it, tells where to go for reliable information, and provides a sliver of hope for the future.

 Q.  Several books about media bias have already been written charging the media with bias.  What’s different about “Slanted?”  

I don’t consider “Slanted” a book about media bias. It’s the third in a trilogy of my books that have tracked the death of the news as we once knew it. The devolution of journalism. This is an even bigger story than simple media bias. What’s different? I include insider insight, not only from my observations and experiences at CNN, CBS and PBS, but I also include never-before-heard reflections from top industry insiders who are also worried about the turn journalism has taken. This includes former top news division executives, reporters and producers at NBC, CBS, MSNBC, CNN, The New York Times and more. Also, I explain how the control of news narratives is linked to the Big Tech control online.

Q. What’s in the water cooler at CBS News that makes former star correspondents like you and Bernie Goldberg spill the beans about how the news gets shaped and supposedly pasteurized before broadcast?

(Continued…read the full interview at the link below)



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