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(REVIEWS & Video excerpts) NOW RELEASED! SLANTED: How the news media taught us to love censorship and hate journalism

Sharyl, copy my below 1995 essay to paper,
as it might provide some ideas for writing
a second book.

You need not comment here; and nix it from
your page for its excessive length.



Who controls the news rules the mind;
who controls entertainment rules the heart;
who controls both rules the commonwealth.


– Liberal Press and Hollywood –

Public opinion is media-driven!

Do you understand the dire consequences of that reality?

It means that America’s course is determined by what the predominant liberal media and Hollywood want you to know and believe (( read my essays, “The Progressive Jew in ‘Weimar’ America” and “Novelists Tell Lies” )).

When you read any history book and consider the horrendous savagery that has befallen nations making decisions based on wrong information, then the liberal media’s power is terrifying.

Our citizen-driven republic is gravely
dependent on getting the correct infor-
mation – the truth – in order to effect
good social policy, but because there
is a radical media bias favoring the
left-wing of the political spectrum,
and because the Left is predominantly
driven by EMOTION rather than REASON,
America is in grave danger.

Take this budget debate for example. Everyone agrees that balancing the federal budget relates to the very heart of America’s future economic survival. Representative James Longley recently went so far as to say on ABC’s Nightline that if we don’t get spending under control and balance the budget, America could experience an economic collapse “that would make the Great Depression look like a celebration.”

Because Americans need the truth about
issues relating to getting the budget
balanced (( let alone the truth they
need but don’t get about other issues,
such as public education and immigration )),
the media have a solemn responsibility
to get the facts out there, so that
citizens may draw informed conclusions
and influence their congressmen,

That’s not happening! And the nation is on the brink of great social upheaval because of it.

The media continue distorting the news in favor of liberal Democrat Bill Clinton, “protecting” the public from his (( and her )) criminality (( political and financial )) and his unprecedented waffling on issues to get his poll numbers up.

Liberal media bash Republicans at the slightest hint of impropriety (( such as demonizing Speaker Newt Gingrich for writing and selling a book )) while overlooking Democrats’ glaring criminality (( Whitewater crimes, Paula Jones’ case, and Clintons’ Arkansas drug-running connection )), not to mention how unrelenting Hollywood is in support of the liberal Democrats’ agenda, favorably propagandizing all liberal causes in TV sitcoms, movie productions, music, and in personal interviews. And when the public does shift away from liberal media’s favorite horses, when citizens begin seeing the truth through liberals’ clever biases, reporters only resort to the “pox on both their houses” ploy to try appearing somewhat balanced in their reporting.

One may get near the truth today only by reading The Washington Times (( Unfortunately, some radical feminists are beginning to infiltrate there and block truth-telling )), and a few other conservative publications, or by listening to conservative talk-show hosts, such as Rush Limbaugh (( becoming more and more influenced by left-leaning neocons, such as Kemp and Bennett )).

The odds are against the majority of
citizens ever getting the truth on
important issues on any given day,
since the three major networks and
CNN are liberal mouthpieces for
Democrats’ political machine, and
since the majority of journalists
coming out of school are EMOTION-
DRVEN, and keep feeding those
liberal news organizations new
blood—for keeping the liberal BIAS

1) BIAS reflected in voice intonation, which clever manipulation may convey an opposition to the truth and prejudice the viewer against it (( examine former CBS anchor and closeted communist Walter Cronkite’s reporting on the Vietnam War – or CBS correspondent Peter Simon’s current reporting on the Palestinian/Israeli conflicts – as Communist-Leaning MSM/Conkrite had lied about U.S. losses during the NVA’s Tet Offensive, for it had been a TOTAL DEFEAT of NVA forces ));

2) BIAS in selection of certain terms for the text of a story, which practice is gross and ubiquitous among major media (( examine liberal reporters’ use of “radical” and “extreme” for the right-wing but “moderate” and “centrist” for left-wing politicians ));

3) BIAS in choice of pictorials, which clever selection may persuade viewers to reject the truth for the lie more than any other means of manipulation (( examine the editing of the Rodney King video to exclude King’s initial provocation; and note how Dear Abbey had supported King, until viewing the unedited video, seeing him violently attack those officers, and, then, writing a column condemning King for his behavior ));

4) BIAS in the sequence for reporting of stories, and sequence of events within a story, which tack helps to bury stories that might injure liberal reporters’ favorite politicians (( minor stories about Republican foul-ups can be the lead story while major wrongdoing by Democrats might be long-delayed before any half-hearted report is made ));

5) and BIAS in outright disregard for applicable facts and history, which common practice keeps the public ill-informed, and the republic gravely endangered (( examine reports of Republicans “starving the children” while they’re actually increasing funding for the school lunch program, or claims that there is real budget-cutting by Democrats when only the rate of increase in spending is being reduced )).

EMOTION trumps REASON if the emotion is strong enough. And liberal media feed on emotion to sell their bias.

Unfortunately for America, reporters’
EMOTIONALITY is the same force
(( in radical feminism )) driving liberal/
libertine Democrats’ political machine,
so that it’s a rare occasion when
Democrats and major media don’t
agree on social, cultural, political and
economic issues.

It’s for that reason I believe America is doomed, like so many societies before it, which were overcome by EMOTING FEMININE MIND—by emotion-driven, radical feminism (( read my essays, “Two Legs of the Same Wh_re,” “Emoting Women Vote and American Civilization Crumbles,” and “Maternalism”—as that ever-present GENDER GAP dooms the West! )).

Unless there is found a way to shift
journalism schools curricula toward a
much more reason-based instruction
(( getting at the truth in order to
rationally analyze and deliver it ))
and away from their attraction to
emotional appeals (( how does it
f-e-e-e-e-l ? )), then America has
little chance of recovery.

Whenever a reporter or commentator says “an opinion poll shows” this or that, remember that the poll they’re referencing doesn’t reflect so much a correctly informed public as a misinformed one; misinformed by what the liberal media and Hollywood have delivered–information invariably edited to present distortions or outright lies for supporting liberals’ agenda, like growing the welfare state and moving America toward Marxist/socialist principles.

Who controls the news rules the mind;
who controls entertainment rules the heart;
who controls both rules the commonwealth.

Therein is found the answer to why American civilization is doomed (( read my essay, “Restoration Revolution or Futile Posturing” )).

Liberals control both the media and Hollywood; ergo, they control America’s social, cultural, and political course–except when their bias stands stark against the apparent truth, as when Reagan was elected over liberals’ attacks on him, and whose two-term presidency helped expose elite media for the lying liberal bastards that they are.


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