HomeUncategorizedThe last place in America to get coronavirus; unfinished federal investigations; Big...

The last place in America to get coronavirus; unfinished federal investigations; Big Tech censorship


What matters the corralling of Big
Tech, if Black-Robbed Wh_res rule
us ?

[[ copy my below essay to paper, then remove it ]]



Caligula Had Appointed His Horse

to the

Roman Senate !

– – –

President Obama Has Appointed


Hispanic ‘Partialist’ Judge to the Court

– – –

Coining a Term

Befitting Our


U.S. Supreme Court :

‘Black-Robed Wh_ores’ :

– both men and women –

– – –

Note: “Judicial Partialism” means: any court decision based upon a judge’s EMPATHETIC F E E L I N G S, such as empathy towards his/her own ethnic group—or dislike for another ethnic group; a heads-up warning for soon-to-be genocided and culturicided Whitey in this 21st Century America.

21st Century America is Caligula’s Rome—all of Western civilization is!, if you’re honest about how far the Founders’ America, the West, has D E C L I N E D—beginning with Marxists’ Sixties Revolution; and declined in every :
defined by the term,
“C I V I L I Z E D.”

We can be very thankful to President Obama—for having resisted appointing an affirmative-action HORSE to the U.S. Supreme Court.

But, are we more secure or less secure in our Constitution, in our Bill of Rights – in our constitutional protections for, say, white men – for his having appointed, (( and for senators to have cowardly confirmed )) an Hispanic, affirmative-action and PARTIALIST judge ?

Rule of law is badly damaged by her sexist and racist PARTIALISM—by her soiled appointment.

Judge Sonia Sotomayor boldly, brazenly, shamelessly lied to senators, when she had responded: “Fidelity to the law,” after being asked about her judicial philosophy; a question that had probed her several SEXIST and ANTI-WHITE musings (( on at least four separate occasions, during her years-long judgeship )) to large groups of people, about how:

“A Latina woman would make better decisions than a white man.”

The Founding Fathers aren’t just spinning in their graves, but gathering their dusty remains to flee planet Earth, as Sonia Sotomayor takes her AFFIRMATIVE-Action seat on the U.S. Supreme Court!; and as white Americans await the next attack against the Founders’ America—in an affirmative-action appointment of the FIRST Gay-American or the FIRST Native-American or the FIRST Filipino-American or . . . , rather than a RATIONALLY/JUDICIALLY competent AMERICAN !

America now is – actually – a “F I R S T O C R A C Y”—a poignant term coined by this scribbler years ago, after calls for the “FIRST Woman President“ got louder and louder by emotionally hysterical Leftism.

One awaits – soundly!/logically! – for our FIRST openly PEDOPHILE President; or our FIRST REHABILITATED Murderer-in-President; or our FIRST brain-enhanced chimpanzee ?

On the very day of her confirmation to the U.S. Supreme Court, one deaf-and-blind Democrat senator had chided oppositional Republicans (( during an interview with an NBC reporter )): He had chided conservatives for “[their] taking one word out of one speech,” in order to vote AGAINST her!

WHAT? / Huh?—and after we all heard that recording of Sonia joking about making law – about being an ACTIVIST judge! – and social-engineering from the bench ?

That woman isn’t just an-in-our-face liar, she’s a La Raza member, which organization is as anti-white and anti-West as the KKK is anti-black and anti-Africa—and, yet, she DISGRACEFULLY occupies a seat on the highest court in the land, now ?

Her confirmation hearings were one long string of Twilight-Zone-type, lie-by-evasion, non-responses to don’t-upset-the-Hispanic-voter “questioning” by de-testicled, cowardly, white senators—Left and Right.

This is Twilight Zone, for every logic-driven mind that resides in America—fewer and fewer every year, while the Marxian Left’s emotion-driven feminism EMASCULATES rational MASCULINISM, in order to destroy the Men-Made West’s MERITOCRATIC capitalism for the East’s totalitarian communism—BECAUSE, as that dim-bulb and socialist/communist, Gloria Steinem, has EMOTIONALLY informed us :




Read/study “The Greek Way,” by Edith Hamilton, to understand better the history of the free and democratic West (( America )) vs. the brutal and autocratic East (( China )).

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