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Democratic debate live updates: If elected, Yang would say to Putin: ‘I’m sorry I beat your guy’ – latest | US news

Attacks on Buttigieg largely don’t materialize

Yang to Putin: ‘I’m sorry I beat your guy’

Now that the debate is over an hour in, a consensus seems to be building that it’s been a slow night, though the questions have been coming fast.

Rich Lowry

Has anything happened in this debate?

November 21, 2019

Sean Sullivan

Lots could change in hour two, of course, but so far, this has been the least combative debate.

November 21, 2019

Sarah Isgur

Very noticeable: More substance, less crosstalk tonight. First debate without Beto and Castro. Correlation or causation?

November 21, 2019

amy walter

So, to recap: after last debate where we saw a pile-on on Warren and her MFA plans, tonight everyone holding their punches, except for Harris on…Gabbard and Biden on …..Steyer.

November 21, 2019

Harris: Trump ‘got punked’ by Kim Jong-un

Buttigieg pressed for an answer on farm subsidies

Though the debate moderators whizzed past the topic of paid family leave, many observers wished they had stuck with the discussion as it hasn’t been getting much air time.

Irin Carmon

Motion to have a major portion of the debate devoted to discussing childcare plans.

November 21, 2019


I would, in fact, watch an entire debate that was just the candidates working to outdo each other on paid family leave and universal childcare. Notice who’s made that a priority. (Here’s a hint: They’re asking Klobuchar & Harris. The universal childcare candidate is Warren.)

November 21, 2019

Kara Voght


November 21, 2019

Michele Norris

A conversation about equal pay, paid family leave and child care responsibilities they fall disproportionately on women on the debate stage tonight. ??????

November 21, 2019

Amy Klobuchar is getting a lot of praise for her line about the double standard women in politics face. Looks like it’s becoming the first viral moment of the night.


Amy Klobuchar called out the critics who think “a woman can’t beat Donald Trump” at the #DemDebate: “Nancy Pelosi does it every single day”

November 21, 2019

Joy Reid

.@amyklobuchar makes a great point about women being held to a different standard. That point resonates with a lot of Dem women I know who are still trying to pick a candidate. #DemDebate

November 21, 2019

Robert Reich

Excellent answer from Klobuchar: “We’d be playing the game ‘name your favorite woman president.'”

“If you think a woman can’t beat Trump, Pelosi does it every day.” Best line of night so far.#DemDebate

November 21, 2019

Sean Sullivan

Klobuchar, with a line that you will likely hear on cable news broadcasts a lot again tonight and tomorrow: “If you think a woman can’t beat Donald Trump, Nancy Pelosi does it every single day.”

November 21, 2019


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