HomeDavid Bossie: At Democratic convention honesty about true Biden-Harris platform is sorely...

David Bossie: At Democratic convention honesty about true Biden-Harris platform is sorely lacking

The virtual convention of the Democratic Party — which should more accurately be called the Socialist Party of America — welcomed the American people back into their house of mirrors for another evening of angry rhetoric and empty radical promises Tuesday.

Featured speakers had two things in common: they’re current or former Washington swamp creatures and they hate President Trump more than they love their country. Witnessing the continued socialist takeover of the party of Presidents Franklin D. Roosevelt and John F. Kennedy is an extraordinarily sad sight to behold.

On the night that former Vice President Joe Biden officially became the presidential nominee of his party, it remains abundantly clear that he’s not calling the shots.


Nothing made that more evident than Biden’s bizarre seconds-long acceptance speech, which will be followed by a longer speech Thursday night.

Bill Clinton said Tuesday night that a presidential election is the world’s most important job interview. This means Joe Biden must get out of his basement and answer tough questions from the media.

The fact that two-time primary runner-up socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont earned well over 1,000 delegates to the convention shows the Democrats are a highly divided party that lacks enthusiasm for their uninspiring nominee.

Except for socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York, none of the main speakers Tuesday night were forthright about the true platform of Biden and his vice presidential running mate, Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif.

In fact, speakers like former President Bill Clinton, failed presidential nominee and former Secretary of State John Kerry, and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer of New York all but ignored their party’s agenda. It’s an agenda that is anchored by the demands of the America-hating far left: massive tax increases, open borders, socialized medicine, defunding the police and giving away the store to China.

Like Bernie Sanders the night before, Ocasio-Cortez looked giddy because of her successful efforts to pull the Democrats to the socialist fringe of American politics.

Sanders, the godfather of the “Medicare-for-all” lie, and Ocasio-Cortez, the architect of the economy-killing Green New Deal, are flexing their new political muscle and no one in the Democratic Party can stop them.

Biden, Harris, and all of the night’s speakers are clearly ready to give the angry far-left mob whatever it wants.

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Sadly, one of Tuesday night’s highlighted speakers was former President Bill Clinton. If all women are to be believed, why did Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and the Democratic brain trust give Clinton a primetime speaking slot?

Clinton’s association with deceased pedophile Jeffrey Epstein should have been an automatic disqualifier, but liberal hypocrisy knows no bounds.

Democratic elitists can’t help but facilitate the reality that there are two sets of rules in our country:  one for the rich and connected and one for the forgotten men and women.

If the Biden and Harris ticket ever allows press questions, they must be asked about why they’re turning a blind eye to the allegations concerning Epstein and Clinton.

Bill Clinton said Tuesday night that a presidential election is the world’s most important job interview. This means Joe Biden must get out of his basement and answer tough questions from the media.

Schumer spoke from his hometown of New York City and neglected to address the failure of his political allies New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo and New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio in dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic and the rising violence in their streets.

For the past four years, Schumer, along with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., have been leaders of the permanent obstruction campaign against President Trump. They have chosen divisive partisanship and defense of the broken Washington status quo instead of the wishes of the American people to work together to find bipartisan solutions.

Former Secretary of State John Kerry – who negotiated the disastrous Iran nuclear deal – was also given a prime-time slot to spew lies and revisionist history. Kerry is the failed Democrat presidential candidate from 2004 and a hopelessly out of touch career politician from Massachusetts who has no clue about the concerns of hardworking American taxpayers.

Former Obama-era Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates appeared to be auditioning for Biden’s Attorney General as she delivered a false partisan attack against President Trump that made her sound more like a Democratic National Committee political operative than a top law enforcement officer.

Except for socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York, none of the main speakers Tuesday night were forthright about the true platform of Biden and his vice presidential running mate, Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif.

When it comes to the phony Russia collusion investigation, the fraudulent Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrants, and the wrongful targeting of former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, Yates knows where the bodies are buried — including what Biden and former President Barack Obama knew and when they knew it.

The media must press Yates and Biden on what they knew about the Obama administration’s taxpayer-funded efforts to stop Donald Trump from being elected, including what was discussed in the January 5, 2017, Oval Office meeting that was attended by Obama, Biden, Yates, then-National Security Adviser Susan Rice and then-FBI Director James Comey.

The final speaker of the night was Dr. Jill Biden. Dr. Biden, who’s been married to her 77-year old husband for 43 years, delivered powerful remarks in support of the Democratic presidential nominee but ignored the elephant in the room. What is the true state of Joe Biden’s mental acuity?

This is an exceedingly difficult question for a spouse, but it needs to be probed because of the job her husband is auditioning for.

The American people don’t want to hear that Joe Biden is an affable guy; they want to know if he can discharge the massive duties of the office if elected president. Biden must answer questions from critics who question what they see as his apparent cognitive decline.

Night Two of the Democrat’s convention was more of the same — all hat and no cattle. The Democrats have no positive policy agenda for America and they arrogantly think the American people aren’t paying attention.

They’re wrong.


The American people want solutions and action, but the Democrats have nothing to offer except resistance, hatred, lawlessness, and the failure that is socialism.

President Trump, by contrast, has honorably delivered on his promises and has an optimistic vision for the future: security and prosperity for all Americans and his promise to always put America first.


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