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Coronavirus Australia live update: Victoria reports 17 more Covid-19 deaths and 222 new cases – latest news | Australia news

Australia’s superannuation industry believes the Morrison government is softening the ground to scrap a legislated rise in employer contributions due to begin next year.

The assistant minister for superannuation, Jane Hume, has stakeholders on edge after declaring she is “ambivalent” about raising the super guarantee from 9.5 per cent to 12 per cent over the next five years.

Industry Super Australia chairman Greg Combet, a former Labor minister and ACTU secretary, believes the government is laying the groundwork to dump the scheduled rises.

“It’s best for the government to just really state its position rather than pussyfooting around,” he told ABC radio on Tuesday.

“If that’s where they’re going then they should really say so.”

A growing group of coalition backbenchers are attempting to delay or dump the legislated rise, with some citing the coronavirus recession as a reason to pump the brakes.

Mr Combet is bracing for a “fair old free-for-all” in the Senate if the government tries to change course.

Senator Hume has warned the legislated super increase could come at the cost of pay rises, but Mr Combet disputes the suggested link.

While there has been no super guarantee rise for the past seven years, wage growth has also been sluggish over the period.

“There is not a direct correlation in these things,” Mr Combet said.

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