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Ugandan doctor under investigation over claims he assaulted LGBT patient | Global development

A doctor in Uganda faces charges of professional misconduct over allegations he assaulted a lesbian patient.

The country’s minister of health, Jane Aceng, referred Ben Kiwanuka Mukwaya to the Uganda Medical and Dental Practitioners Council (UMDPC) over allegations he assaulted the patient at his private health facility in a suburb of the capital, Kampala, on 19 October.

He also faces police charges of assault.

It is understood to be the first time a doctor has been referred to the medical council for attacking a member of the LGBT community.

The rights of LGBT+ people in Uganda have come under renewed attack recently.

Earlier this month, James Nsaba Buturo said he and other parliamentarians wanted to retable a bill that would make homosexual sex punishable by death. Previous attempts have been ruled unconstitutional.

Last week, 16 LGBT+ activists were arrested on suspicion of gay sex.

“It is the policy of ministry of health that all patients should be able to seek medical treatment without fear of discrimination, violence, personal vengeance or retaliation,” said Aceng.

Mukwaya is a licensed member of the UMDPC and sits on the board.

“We appeal to all healthcare providers and stakeholders to accord equal and appropriate treatment to all patients who present at the health facilities irrespective of their race, tribe and gender.”

Aceng added: “We also strongly condemn assault and violence against any individual and appeal to the public to report any such incidents to the relevant authorities.

“In particular, we request the public to report any medical related abuse to the ministry of health.”

An inquiry into the incident is expected to last two weeks.

If found guilty, Mukwaya faces suspension from practice and the removal of his name from the register, or he could be asked to pay a fine.

Luke Owoyesigire, deputy police spokesperson for Kampala Metropolitan, said Mukwaya faces assault charges after the victim filed a case with police.

Mukwaya has accused the woman of trespassing, which is being investigated by police.

Members of the LGBT community say they risk physical attacks in their daily life and routinely encounter harassment, as well as facing prejudice over work, housing and healthcare.

The 16 men arrested last week worked for the charity Let’s Walk Uganda. They were initially taken into “protective custody” after a crowd surrounded their office, shouting abuse, rights groups said.

The men were due back in court on Tuesday, but the hearing has been put back until 5 November.

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