HomeUncategorized(POLL) 2024: Voters predict doomsday, if their preferred candidate loses

(POLL) 2024: Voters predict doomsday, if their preferred candidate loses

As the 2024 election shapes up as a rematch between President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump, a large percentage of voters think the country is doomed if their preferred candidate loses.

That’s according to the latest Rasmussen Reports.

The survey finds that 40% of likely U.S. voters agree with the statement, “Joe Biden must be re-elected president next year, or the United States is doomed,” including 25% who “strongly agree.”

Fifty-three percent (53%) disagree, including 43% who “strongly disagree.”

Forty-two percent (42%) agree with the statement, “Donald Trump must be re-elected president next year or the United States is doomed,” including 26% who “strongly agree.”

Fifty-three percent (53%) disagree, including 44% who “strongly disagree.”

As might be expected, opinions are largely divided along party lines.

Two-thirds (67%) of Democrats at least somewhat agree that America is doomed if Biden is not reelected in 2024, while 61% of Republicans at least somewhat agree that the country is doomed if Trump doesn’t win next year.

Among voters not affiliated with either major party, 45% at least somewhat agree the U.S. is doomed if Trump doesn’t win, compared to 25% who feel the same about Biden.

To see survey question wording, click here.

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