HomeStrategyFinanceEmail Hack #4: The Inverse Promotion Expansion… Most Profitable Advice

Email Hack #4: The Inverse Promotion Expansion… Most Profitable Advice

Email Hack #4: The Inverse Promotion Expansion…
The single most profitable piece of advice I can give you

Make sure you save this email, turn it into a PDF, or print it out. It won’t be available on this site for very long.

I am crying inside as I sit here writing this article…

Because I know that when I hit publish, it will have just cost me tens of thousands of dollars in lost income.

I am waving goodbye to the luxury winter holiday I had planned with Leni, and the Apple Vision Pro I had promised myself next year.

I have robbed myself of future income.

You see, this article was always going to be a paid report. A report that I was going to charge $147 for.

I was even thinking about making a whole video course around the subject.

But I also wanted to say a big thank you to my paid members here in The Raine Report and give you something so valuable that it justifies the trust you have put in me by becoming a member.

I wanted to give you something that you can read today and implement in your business immediately…

… or, you can take what I am going to show you and offer it as a service, charging at least $1,500 and a percentage of the profits.


You can build a brand new business starting tomorrow with everything I am going to teach you today…

… and it will cost you NOTHING to set up.

No list, no ads, no contacts, NADA.

All You Need Is The Information In This Report

So let me give you a backstory, and no it is not some marketing tale that rambles on for hours, it is just how I found this hack and stole it.

Yup, you read that right, I stole it.

But my penance for this heinous crime is, I am giving it to you… for just $7

That’s right, if you are NOT a bonafide paid-up member of The Raine Report then you are not getting the goods.

And You Will Kick Yourself If You Miss Out On This One

To be fair, it’s only $7 to join and get your hands on it. If you are not willing to pony up that, then in all honesty, this report ain’t going to help you. Just enjoy the rest of the content that I give away for free.

So here we go.

Last year, two events happened at roughly the same time. Firstly, one of my clients who is in the whisky business reached out and asked for help.

His emails, which were previously going to the updates tab, were either hitting the promo tab or worst still, the dreaded SPAM folder.

This change was costing him $17,000 a month in lost sales, and an ever-increasing amount of recurring revenue due to not being able to sign up as many members to his whisky club.

Secondly, I usually have very few emails hitting my priority inbox daily. Just friends, family, clients, and the occasional security notice.

So when Rich Shefren landed there I was intrigued.

I looked at the email, and nothing stood out, it was a promo, but it was in my priority inbox.

The next day, the same again.

I made a mental note, then created a filter to make sure it didn’t happen again.

A few days later I saw an ad from a guy called Troy Erricson and his company Email Paramedic who were pimping their service to get into the primary inbox.

I signed up to his list.

Guess what happened…

…yup, his emails landed right where he had promised.

His sales pitch, was his team would craft and insert a ‘special block of code’ into your email which makes sure you avoid the spam and promotion tabs and hit the inbox’.


The bells went off in my head. I am a geek, right? Surely I could figure this out.

I looked at the source of his email, no hidden HTML there.

I suspected initially that when you went to a landing page after you had signed up, there was some hidden code that opened your Gmail and clicked the ‘make important’ option.

I ran everything I did through an internal proxy making sure I could see all the network traffic…


I was stumped. I read the emails over and over again.

A few weeks passed…

Then I got another email in my Inbox.

This time it was from a blog I had followed for several years.

They have sent me three to five emails a week for over three years now, and every one of them had hit the promo tab.

So what am I seeing here?

Has Google changed its algorithm, or am I missing something?

I printed all three out. Stuck them to my whiteboard, and stared at them like Liam Neeson sizing up a villain he was about to take down.

I remained that way, cracking my knuckles, keeping in character. I stared some more.

After what felt like aeons passing, forging ahead through the snow on an epic quest – I stumbled upon the answer.

Face planted in fact.


I spent a while after that thinking about the theory behind it, the impact it had, and ultimately how I was going to test it.

But before we get into the secret sauce let me just tell you…

It has nothing to do with Domain Reputation, IP Reputation, From Address, SPF or DKIM. Not even the words or phrases you use.

In fact, you can write highly converting promo emails using all kinds of marketing shenanigans, and still hit the primary inbox.

Seriously, over the years we have been taught not to write too salesey, not to use certain words like FREE or income etc. etc. etc.

So when I work with a client, we usually craft emails that sell, whilst not triggering services such as SpamAssassin.

Sometimes it can take an hour or so to get a promotional email through the tests and hitting the updates tab.

But then, when you broadcast to a big list, there it lands in promotions.

All that work…

And this is why I love Renegade Email. You don’t have to worry about that at all… but that is for another day.


The Inverse Promotion Expansion

The Inverse Promotion Expansion

How To Write Promotional Emails, Full Of Sales Content, That Brings In Maximum Income Without Hitting The Promo Tab

This is the holy grail of email marketing. You can write full-on promotional email copy, hitting your reader square between the eyes, and not have to worry a single iota about hitting the promotional tab.

Time after time after time.

Now obviously you don’t want every pitch to be a sales pitch, but when the time is right, this hack will enable you to sell without penalty.

And… if you use this in your day-to-day emails, like the ones you write in Renegade Email then you are going to be front and centre in the priority inbox, building your authority, and building your tribe.

And like I said before. You can take what I am going to show you and sell your newfound skill to an almost infinite audience.

(Just go and look in your priority inbox right now, pick one of those poor suckers, then reach out and offer a done-for-you service, $0 up-front, paid on results)

Anyhoo… enough rambling, let’s get on to the meat and potatoes of this amazing hack.

The Secret Box You Need To Add To All Your Outgoing Emails To Avoid The Promotions Tab And Land Straight In The Primary Inbox

This is pure gold.

Since working with a bunch of clients and getting them to use this block, they have seen results like this…

Emails in the Updates tab have gone from 21%-24% opens to 39%+ opens by hitting the primary inbox for one of my clients. 

Another is getting 44%+ opens, up from 32%.

My whisky client who was losing all that money, regained that income from sales almost immediately…

… But because we discovered that we could write more sales pitches, and make more powerful offers in an email, he added another $8,500 a month to his income and had a serious bump in his recurring revenue product. Amazing.

– One client who only sells affiliate products using The Renegade Email method only put this in place in May and has boosted his income from the low $4,000’s a month to over $7,000 a month.

Are you ready to learn how

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