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FBI Says Using Terms Like “Red Pilled” and “Chad” Are Signs of “Violent Extremism and Racism”

According to an FBI dossier, using terms like “Red Pilled,” “Chad,” and “Stacy” are signs of “online extremism and racism” which could land you on a watchlist.

The glossary was obtained by The Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project via a Freedom of Information Act request.

Using words and phrases which fit the FBI’s definition of “Involuntary Celibate Violent Extremism” or “Racially or Ethnically Motivated Violent Extremism” could land you in big trouble.

Is there anything you can do these days?

According to the FBI, the words or phrases include the following:

– Based (to mean something that is agreeable or cool and generally considered to be anti-woke), but according to the FBI a sign that someone has been converted to ‘racist ideology.’

– Red Pilled (taken from the Matrix movies meaning someone uncovering hidden truths), but according to the FBI, it indicates racism, anti-Semitic, or fascist beliefs.

– Chad (an attractive, strong male who is successful with women), but according to the FBI, a “race -specific term used to describe the idealized version of a male.”

– Stacy (a confident, sexually attractive female), but according to the FBI an extremist misogynistic term used by incels.

– Looksmaxxing (defined by the FBI as the “process of self-improvement with the intent to become more attractive), which is apparently another sign of ‘extremism,’ although the federal agency doesn’t explain why.

Meanwhile, Conservative influencer Catturd excised his right to use the word “based.”

The FBI also asserts that the belief “that society is corrupt, and that the believer is a victim of this corruption” indicates that someone has entered a dangerous rabbit hole.

Despite most of the violence and riots being carried out by far-left groups such as Antifa and BLM, it seems the FBI is only focused on people researching the ‘corrupt’ system.

Politically, it also appears the FBI is only targeting right-wingers, which fits perfectly into their agenda of attacking dissents of their ‘woke’ agenda.

READ: TWITTER FILES: Hillary Clinton behind FBI Witch Hunt for Non-Existent Russian Accounts

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