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SUNY Albany Students ‘Destroy’ Bible During Protest at Conservative Speaker’s Free Speech Event

Protesters at the State University of New York at Albany (SUNY Albany) have been accused of destroying a bible while attempting to shut down a conservative speaker at the university on April 4.

Conservative writer, speaker, and podcast host Ian Haworth was invited to headline at the public university by its chapter of Turning Point USA (TPUSA), a young conservative organization.

On Twitter, Haworth said he had planned to speak about how free speech is being “destroyed” on college campuses during his appearance but that protestors, organized by the Young Democrat Socialists of America group, began heckling him and shouting profanities before he could begin.

Hamworth shared a video of the protestors chanting, “[expletive] you, TPUSA!”, “Ian sucks” and “trans rights are human rights” while clapping their hands loudly in an effort to prevent the presentation from going ahead.

One person could be heard shouting “This is what free speech looks like.” At one point, protestors began belting out Miley Cryus’ “Party in the U.S.A.”

“Like clockwork, some deranged protesters showed up and used the heckler’s veto to try and shut down the event,” Haworth posted. “When the chapter tried to settle the protesters down so we could start the event, they responded with “[expletive] you TPUSA.”

“The tolerant left, ladies and gentlemen,” he added.

Conga Lines, Destroyed Bible

In another tweet, Haworth, who is Jewish, wrote: “The most socialist thing I’ve ever seen is a bunch of deranged students screaming ‘no cops, no KKK, no TPUSA’ at a Jewish immigrant while also happily shoveling free pizza down their throats paid for by…TPUSA.”

He then shared a photo of a crumpled book which he said was a Bible that had been destroyed during the protests for “no reason whatsoever.”

Haworth said the event was finally able to go ahead after a new location was found to hold the talk, adding that he had engaged in a Q&A session with students who had stayed to listen to his speech.

“I’m sorry some people left before we found a new location, but I hope you can come to another event soon. Appreciate everyone who came in good faith,” he wrote. “College is now where free speech goes to die, and we need to push back against this [expletive] with everything we have. Don’t let the angry minority bully people into silence.”

In a statement following the protests, organizers the Young Democrat Socialists of America branded Haworth a “transphobic, alt-right” speaker while taking aim at the “unjust arrest of two students” at the university who it said were charged with disorderly conduct and obstructing government administration in the second degree.

Protests Were ‘Peaceful’

One of the students charged sustained minor injuries, the group said.

The group also called the protests “peaceful,” adding that while it supports First Amendment rights, it believes that Haworth’s “hateful rhetoric is a clear danger and significant threat to many queer students at the university.”

It added that protestors were denied entry to Haworth’s speech after it was moved to a new location, which they said was a violation and suppression of free speech.

During a speech last month for the Young America’s Foundation, Haworth insisted that he is not transphobic but has concerns over the “ideology of transgenderism pushed by a woke mob hell-bent on re-writing even the most basic principles of civilization.”

In a statement to Fox News, the University of Albany said, “Consistent with the mission of an institution of higher learning, we expect members of our community to be able to voice their views in a manner that promotes constructive dialogue and honors UAlbany’s commitment to freedom of expression. This is especially important when it involves speech that members of our community find offensive or objectionable.”

“Our constitutional obligation to protect speech, even when that speech fundamentally conflicts with our core values, is a pillar of our democratic system. We are equally committed to fostering an environment in which all students feel safe and included—and that the right to protest is also protected,” the statement continued.

It added that all student organizations are entitled to reserve space and invite guest speakers “without interference.”

The Epoch Times has contacted Turning Point USA for comment.

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