HomeUncategorized(FORUM) It took Musk to do the job others should have done

(FORUM) It took Musk to do the job others should have done

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The revelations coming from Twitter CEO Elon Musk are either groundbreaking or a “nothing burger,” depending on who you listen to.

I happen to think they’re huge news. Part of the reason is because it took a private billionaire, Musk, to do what law enforcement, the media, and political watchdogs should have done. That’s an international scandal in of itself.

Musk is providing the goods that further confirms what we already came to know: the biggest censorship and information manipulation campaigns in history have been underway in recent years, with Big Tech colluding with political and corporate powerbrokers to make it happen.

These propagandists have furthered false information and squelched truthful and accurate information, as well as off-the-narrative opinions and views.

They have been party to election interference, ruining careers and lives, and arguably costing many lives during Covid for putting out rampant disinformation and making certain scientific studies and views hard to find, or smearing and controversializing the researchers behind them.

As I have previously written, the government’s involvement and contractual ties with Big Tech companies makes the censorship that’s at issue here officially fall under the heading of unconstitutional government censorship.

Worst of all: our intel agencies are involved; weaponized in order to control the public narrative and the outcome of our elections.

We have known this for some time– and though some individual political and media figures on both left and right have called it out from time to time, nobody has done anything meaningful about it.

Musk’s reluctant takeover of Twitter is perhaps the biggest game changer in this disturbing trend.

Musk is to Big Tech as Trump is to establishment politics.

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