HomeStrategyPoliticsSoros-Funded Group Pressuring Elon Musk to Keep President Trump Banned from Twitter

Soros-Funded Group Pressuring Elon Musk to Keep President Trump Banned from Twitter

A group funded by liberal billionaire George Soros clamored for Twitter CEO Elon Musk to keep President Trump banned from the platform in an apparent effort to get ahead of former President Trump’s 2024 presidential campaign launch.

The leftist Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington beat the same “threat to our democracy” drum that the media has been hammering in the months leading up to the 2022 midterms. “As Twitter’s CEO, Elon Musk must keep Donald Trump’s ban from Twitter in place for good to protect Twitter and our democracy,” CREW wailed in a Nov. 15 press release filed under “Legal Complaints.”

The press release promoted a letter that CREW President Noah Bookbinder sent to Musk insisting Twitter not reinstate Trump’s account. The group pocketed at least $2,350,000 from Soros between 2017 to 2020.

CREW propagandized that by keeping Trump “banned” from Twitter, “Musk would help ensure that Twitter is protected from the violence, extremism and misinformation Trump spread on Twitter before his ban, and that he is spreading on his own platform now.” 

It’s worth noting that Soros gave a whopping $129 million to ensure the left maintained their grip on power in Washington D.C. during the 2022 midterms. The New York Times even crowned Soros as the “largest donor” of the cycle. 

An MRC Business analysis also discovered that leftist groups funded by George Soros pressured Big Tech platforms to censor so-called “disinformation” before the 2022 midterms. These groups collectively received at least $80,233,084 from Soros.

It makes sense then that another group heavily financed by Soros cash is attempting to influence the 2024 presidential election and pressure Twitter to continue censoring Trump after it banned him in 2021.

CREW went so far as to threaten to pursue Trump’s “disqualification under the Fourteenth Amendment” if he announced a 2024 presidential bid citing his so-called “engag[ment] in the January 6th insurrection” in a Nov. 3 press release. It appears that CREW’s pressure on Twitter was a ridiculous attempt to undercut Trump prior to his expected announcement that he would be running for office later that day: 

With Donald Trump poised to announce his candidacy for president imminently, addressing concerns about Trump being able to return to the platform is of even more importance. Musk must lead by example and commit to keeping Twitter from providing a platform to spread misinformation and incite political violence. Permanently keeping Trump off of the platform is the first step.

Bookbinder accused Trump in the Nov. 15 letter of inciting the Jan. 6, 2021 Capitol Hill Riot with his social media account in the CREW letter. He pontificated to Musk that Twitter “must lead by example and remain committed to not providing a safe haven for users who seek to spread misinformation, incite political violence, fuel hate, and undermine democracy.” Putting a muzzle on Trump “is a necessary start,” Bookbinder lectured.

CREW has an ongoing obsession with trying to silence Trump. In April, the leftist group sent a letter to liberal Apple CEO Tim Cook demanding he ban Trump’s Truth Social platform from the Apple App Store. The letter — written also by Bookbinder — absurdly claimed that “Removing the Truth Social platform from the App Store is consistent with Apple’s pledge to ‘stand for democracy’ and prevent the promotion of extremist content.”  [Emphasis added.]

CREW certainly is co-opting Soros’ extremist gambit to bend “the arc of history” in “the right direction” by ensuring Trump remains persona non grata on social media.

Conservatives are under attack. Contact your representatives and demand that Big Tech be held to account to mirror the First Amendment while providing transparency, clarity on so-called hate speech and equal footing for conservatives. If you have been censored, contact us using CensorTrack’s contact form, and help us hold Big Tech accountable.

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