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(POLL) Almost everyone opposes payments for illegal border crossers

Sharyl and Full Measure Team,

[[ nix this—after you’ve copied it to paper ]]


— The Mosaic Law —

Regarding Borders and Keeping the Peace

– – –

Millennia of Years of Blood-Letting Wars


Determined National Borders

– – –

Those Who Remove Borders are Cursed


Borders Do Keep the Peace !

In the June/July 2000 issue of ”The Friends of Israel” is found an article about “Israel’s Impending Judgment,” by David M. Levy, which relates God’s displeasure with those who move landmarks:

“Judah was guilty of moving landmark stones that divided property between neighbors and would be judged for her actions. ‘The princes of Judah were like those who remove the boundary; therefore I will pour out my wrath upon them like water,’ said the Lord (v. 10). The Mosaic Law forbade anyone, even kings and high officials, to move boundaries and pronounced a curse on those who did (Dt. 19:14; 27:17).”

Here, Mr. Levy follows that Old
Testament quotation with this
proviso :

“Some believe that the crime of
moving landmarks is metaphoric and
is mentioned to cover all social
injustices that were practiced by
the leaders of Judah.”

Maybe, but probably not!—considering that boundaries are more vital than any other factor in keeping the peace among human tribes, within each human family and between any close friends.

Name one other factor as important to guarding the peace as keeping boundaries.

There isn’t one, which fact makes of Karl Marx and his present-day Libertine Liberal advocates merely blithering idiots to support a social system premised upon removing ALL boundaries :

Marxist/Socialist/FEMINISTS’ system of a
COMMUNIST UTOPIA (socialism being Marxists’
first-step advancement toward effecting that

— Do You Know Your Own Boundaries? —

–What of that border each of us
requires to remain comfortable
in social situations; that two
or three feet of space required
when talking with someone?

–What of that border each of us
requires to keep our personal
things private; that one drawer
or shelf where you keep, say,
momentos and/or a diary?

–What of that border each of us
requires to keep our bedroom a
private place to withdraw from
a chaotic world; that place in
which to reflect, cry or make

–What of that border each of us
requires to keep our dwelling
safe from intruding neighbors;
that bit of land you can call
your own and take pride in,
having one’s own acre to
manage as the seasons pass
(those living in apartments
feel no less protective of
their special space)?

–What of that border each of us
requires to keep our community
(town or city) from material or
social decline; that community
of like-minded folks who take
pride in keeping their
neighborhoods safe and clean,
and who influence local
government to that end?

–What of that border each
community (town or city)
requires to keep one’s State
from material or social decline;
that large boundary separating
one major government entity
from another, allowing one to
effect the kinds of State
policies protecting local ones?

–What of the borders that each
of us in our home, community
(town or city), State and
nation requires to keep our
culture – our way of life –
from material and social decline,
and from invading armies; that
boundary ensuring that you, your
loved ones and neighbors remain
unmolested by foreign powers and
peoples wishing to impose their
will and ways upon you–or to
take from you what your race has

— Borders Are Gene-Based Manifestations, as is CULTURE —

Examine how nations are forged. Study, for example, the histories of Britain and Europe to grasp the massive degree of blood-letting during two-thousand years (and more) to establish boundaries; for without them chaos, hardship, and warring reign!

Your Marxist/Socialist/FEMINIST federal government, serving this Marxist-driven United Nations, is preparing white Americans for the elimination of those north and south boundaries defining the contiguous United States (capitalists play a vital role in the plan, to help increase consumerism – ergo profits – by rapidly growing the population), borders which once protected a unique race and its culture :

(( read my essays on Marxism in America; and read my
essays, “White Western Civilization’s Mad Rush to
Culturicide and Genocide” and “Internationalists’
Planned North/South Corridor” )).

The corrupt U.S. Senate has a lock on power, as it is thoroughly bought and paid for by Big Business/Big Banking, so that the majority White position on the importation of anti-white/anti-Western people of color can’t be effected (( nearly 80% wants such immigration severely curtailed; read my essays, “Why Vote?” and “America is no Democracy nor Democratic Republic” )).

Immigration from the Third World
(( legal or not )) amounts to an
invasion—the taking of an entire
civilization, of culture and race!;
WHITE RACE and its legacy of
Western Christian culture in North

To demonstrate a bit of the trickery used to usurp the will of the people by Washington tyrants, examine their “Immigration Reform and Control Act” of 1986, which gave an amnesty to millions of illegal Mexican wetbacks (read my essay, “Good Name-Calling”) – sending a signal to all the world that if you can get here, you can remain here! – and, then, made it impossible for employers to lawfully determine whether a prospective employee was an illegal immigrant or citizen, as the legislation forbade any denial of employment to anyone on the basis of citizenship status (the idea “citizenship” in America is a joke today, which actually is a very deadly situation that will precipitate hardship and warring in the coming century–on U.S. soil).

— Marxist Tyrants Remove The Most Vital Boundaries of Race and Sex and Class —

There are other, more vital boundaries – more important than those mentioned above – because the above-listed ones are a direct product of these :

Racial, sexual, and social boundaries of
h e r i t a b l e differences (( gene-based
proclivities) existing between the races
(even between intraracial ethnic groups )),
between men and women, and between
any two individuals.

If there is a Biblical curse for those who remove physical boundaries, what about those who have F O R C E D the integration of diverse races and break those natural, genetic-based boundaries?—such as how our Marxist/Socialist/FEMINIST feds (( Libertine Leftist Democrats, all? !, and to include progressive Jews, liberal Christians and secular humanists )) have FORCED blacks into WHITE CIVIL SOCIETY for decades!, then began, in the Sixties, to leave our borders unguarded, to actively import every race and culture – and religion and language! – from around the world.

What utter stupidity (( to understand the Left’s psychology, read my essays: “America’s Deadly Plunge into the Passive Feminine” and “The Donahue Syndrome” )).

For what purpose, Libertine Liberals’ anti-White/
anti-Christian diversity and tolerance movements? :

To destroy the Founders’/Framers’
America, and FORCE/Install a racially
mongrelized, U.N.-directed and -borderless,
One-World-premised Leviathan of a tyrant
government—necessarily B R U T A L ! ;
for applying Global Economic Socialism,
to be “fair!,” then :

Global C O M M U N I S M.


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