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Another fake fact check from Facebook’s “Science Feedback”: this one about Amish Covid-19 immunity

The following is a news analysis.

If you’ve paid attention, you already know that Facebook’s “Science Feedback” and other health-related fact checkers are prolific distributors of misinformation and false information that typically benefits the vaccine or pharmaceutical industry.

They tend to “fact check” articles about medical studies and topics that are having an impact on the public, in hopes of tamping down the buzz and circulation of the data or details.

This week, these players are working hard to keep the public from learning that the Amish have claimed to reach “herd immunity” with Covid-19 and fared better than places that imposed drastic measures. The Amish say they did so without masking, closing, social distancing, or vaccination.

The Amish claim of herd immunity was previously reported by Associated Press and other news organizations, but didn’t get wide circulation. The propagandists and fake fact checkers didn’t challenge the topic at the time.

But my report on the same, which aired last Sunday on Full Measure, must be having an impact.

In response, Facebook’s Health Feedback propagandists have made several false and unsupported claims in an attempt to discredit The Amish approach and the reporting about it.

The fake fact-checkers falsely claim that “natural immunity post-infection is variable, while vaccination provides safer and more reliable immunity.” The bulk of the scientific studies show the opposite. (You can find them here and decide for yourself.)

Additionally, they misleadingly imply that those who have had Covid-19 have even better protection if they go ahead and get vaccinated, anyway. (Refer to the same study list for the actual scientific findings to date.)

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) got caught making the same false claim, that Moderna and Pfizer studies showed people who have had Covid still are benefitted from getting vaccinated anyway, earlier this year. The studies did not show that.

Additionally Science magazine repeated the same false claim in an article that later had to be corrected. (See Media Mistake #23 here.)

Facebook’s fake health fact-checkers repeating this same false information indicates they are in line with the interests putting out the disinformation through the government and scientific sources.

Facebook’s fake health fact-checkers previously were exposed in an embarrassing episode when they falsely claimed the Covid-19 lab theory had been debunked and that an Epoch Times documentary was untrue.

As always, when these special interests want to keep you from learning information, as if you cannot decide on your own what to think, it is a cue that should point you to seek more information about what they’re trying to hide. Ask yourself: Who wants to prevent me from seeing or believing this information — and why?

It may seem like a long time ago, but it actually was just about five years ago when third parties did not so overtly and commonly interfere with our access to information. We were, by and large, allowed to access what we wished and draw our own conclusions. Yes, there was manipulation, as I’ve written about in my books, but it was still possible for informed consumers of information to access a wide variety of facts, studies, news, and views. The concept of inviting or allowing a third party to insert itself between us and our pursuit of information is a relatively new concept. However, the practice has now become so ubiquitous, it’s easy to forget how things had been. The resulting cottage industry has corporate and political interests, through foundations, nonprofits and other pass-throughs, funding and influencing the “fact checks” and other propaganda techniques– making it harder and harder to get independent information.

Read Facebook’s fake fact check from Health Feedback.

Watch the original report on The Amish and read the transcript here at Full Measure.

Sadly, the government, public health officials and Big Tech’s fake fact checkers have damaged their own credibility by proving wrong on so many important points, and by censoring or disparaging factually accurate information.

As always: Do your own research, make up your own mind, think for yourself.

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