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(READ) Trump on McConnell’s ‘terrible deal,’ more Covid deaths in 2021, and Fiona Hill’s ‘con job’

Donald Trump remains one of the most significant and influential political figures in the world today. However, Trump has largely been censored in the news, on the Internet and by social media companies acting on behalf of corporate and political interests. Some of the difficult-to-find information regarding Trump will be published here in the interest of rejecting censorship of people, ideas, facts, studies and information.

– October 7, 2021 – 
Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America
Fiona Hill was terrible at her job. The first time I remember hearing her name was during Impeachment Hoax # 1, where she worked hard to say anything bad, but there wasn’t much. It was a total con job. She may have been in the Oval and conference rooms with me, but this was not anybody who I recognized. Then she acted like she was a know-it-all, but in reality, she had no influence whatsoever. She was very close to one of the dumbest and most “crazed” people in Washington, John Bolton. Both of them didn’t say much and what they did say wasn’t listened to, especially after Bolton’s statement that he wants the “Libya Model” on North Korea in the midst of my negotiation with Kim Jong Un. He made that statement on “Deface the Nation”, or “Meet the Fake Press”—it doesn’t matter, they’re all the same. Fortunately, Kim Jong Un understood how stupid he was, and wouldn’t allow him at meetings or dinners (I liked that).  Fiona Hill was a Deep State stiff with a nice accent. Books are being written by people like her who had virtually no access to me, and who I didn’t even know. They write it as if they’re experts on “Trump,” but they know absolutely nothing about me. My function was to save our Country and Survive. Unfortunately, when you look at what is happening now with Afghanistan, the Border, inflation, etc., our Country is not being saved. It is in big trouble!

– October 7, 2021 – 

ICYMI: Covid-19 Deaths in 2021 Surpass Entirety of 2020

“As of Wednesday, U.S. localities have reported 353,000 deaths since January 1, according to data compiled by Johns Hopkins University.

That surpasses the 352,000 deaths reported in 2020 in the 10 months following the first recorded domestic outbreaks of the disease in March…” — Forbes, Oct. 6, 2021

– October 7, 2021 – 
Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America
Republican Senators, do not vote for this terrible deal being pushed by folding Mitch McConnell. Stand strong for our Country. The American people are with you!

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