HomeUncategorized(FORUM) Places where Covid is little more than a distant memory

(FORUM) Places where Covid is little more than a distant memory

The following is commentary intended for discussion. Add your comments.

There are many places, not often depicted on the news, where Americans been living life fairly normally since fall of 2020.

This means they returned to school (no masks), played sports, and went about their normal business with few accommodations for Covid-19.

In these places where I have visited for stories, they suffered no inordinate spikes. In fact, they appear to have fared better than places where we hear of endless alarm and lockdowns.

Not many of those places are discussed on the news which is why some people who live in some big cities seemed so stunned by images of hundreds of thousands of football fans unmasked in stadiums enjoying college games this past weekend.

When such images were circulated on social media, many commented that all of those people were going to soon be dead, or that they were super spreader events.

Yet the dire predictions, so far, haven’t happened where people have congregated in great numbers outdoors.

In fact, there hasn’t been word that any of the international outdoor protests over lockdowns and vaccine passports have led to spikes in disease. And the hopes on the part of Trump opponents that his rallies, both before the election and now, would result in major spokes in illnesses didn’t materalize.

What does this tell us about the national approach?

Do you live in a place where people have been living normally? Or do you live where Covid still rages? Or where fear of Covid rules?

Do kids have to mask at school where you live?

Why do you think attention is focused on the places in crisis to the exclusion of places that haven’t had major issues?

Leave your comments here.

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