HomeUncategorizedU.S. official finally acknowledges Covid-19 natural immunity: ‘As good as vaccine’

U.S. official finally acknowledges Covid-19 natural immunity: ‘As good as vaccine’

Dr. Admiral Brett Giroir, Fmr. HHS Asst. Secretary

The following is a news analysis

It was truly “breaking news” when the former Assistant Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS), Dr. and Admiral Brett Giroir, acknowledged the power of natural immunity in fighting Covid-19.

While not all of Giroir’s information was fully accurate, it may be the closest a prominent U.S. official has come to addressing the often-unspoken elephant in the room as effectiveness of Covid-19 vaccines continues to decline.

In a television news interview, Giroir was pressing for more people to get vaccinated against Covid-19 when host Dana Perino asked about the role of natural immunity.

“So natural immunity, it’s very important,” acknowledged Giroir. “There are still no data to suggest vaccine immunity is better than natural immunity. I think both are highly protective.”

There are still no data to suggest vaccine immunity is better than natural immunity. I think both are highly protective.

Dr. Admiral Brett Giroir, Former Asst. Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS)

Continuing on, Giroir said, “But I think you, if you have proof of Covid infection, right now that’s still equivalent to vaccine immunity. And even The CDC recognizes that. If you’re an American coming back into this country, if you’ve had proof of a previous Covid infection, you don’t even need to be tested. So I think when businesses reopen, they ought to consider natural immunity, vaccine immunity, all equivalent to get you back in the workplace.”

Three months ago, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) estimated more than 120 million Americans had been infected with Covid-19, and so would enjoy the presumption of immunity. CDC has not updated that figure since the end of May. The true, current number is many millions of people higher than the May figure which, many scientists say, was a very conservative estimate.

That would mean, vaccines aside, half or more of the U.S. population is likely protected with natural immunity.

Watch the interview at 4:34 here:


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