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Analysis: CDC advisers fail to properly disclose risk v. benefit of Covid-19 vaccine for young people & Guillain-Barre autoimmune paralysis

The following is a news analysis

Although Guillain-Barre autoimmune paralysis cases are occurring after Johnson and Johnson’s Covid-19 vaccination at a higher rate than without vaccination, federal safety advisers say the benefits still outweigh the risks.

With that general guidance, though, the government safety experts provide a surprising failure to differentiate between relative risk of various age groups.

Read: Exclusive summary: Covid-19 vaccine safety concerns

Some experts insist it’s dangerous for young people– who are at a statistical “zero” chance of serious illness, let alone death with Covid-19– to expose themselves to known and unknown risks, however slight, from Covid-19 vaccine.

The calculus is different, say medical experts, when it comes to small minority of people at high risk of complications and death from Covid-19. For them, the risk-benefit calculation may favor vaccination.

Yet the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) advisers make no differentiation in their general, overarching guidance that the Johnson and Johnson vaccine benefits outweigh the risks.

Young people are also proving to be at risk of a potentially dangerous heart inflammation disorder, as well as blood clots, after Covid-19 vaccination.

The incidence of Guillain-Barre autoimmune paralysis, which can be fatal, is reportedly occurring at a rate of more than eight in a million. Experts say there are typically more instances of vaccine side effects occurring than what gets officially reported to safety officials.

Guillain-Barre syndrome is also being reported after other Covid-19 vaccines but, in the U.S. government regulators have not expressed concern about the rate occurring after the RNA vaccines made by Pfizer and Moderna.

One parent whose son, in his 20’s, was suddenly stricken with Guillain-Barre paralysis after Covid-19 vaccine told me that his son is in the hospital on a breathing machine “fighting for his life.”

“The doctors say it had nothing to do with the vaccine,” says the father. “But we all know it does.”

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