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POLL: ‘Most Americans are not racist’

A majority of Americans (56%) says most Americans are not racist. At the same time, 54% say race relations are getting worse: an all-time high since Rasmussen Reports has been measuring the number. That coincides with activists, political figures and the media placing intense public focus on– or stoking– racial tensions.

The findings on racism and race relations are from a recent survey by Rasmussen Reports.

Then again, a new poll by Gallup seems to find the opposite of Rasmussen Reports when it comes to the question of whether most Americans are racist. Whereas most surveyed told Rasmussen Reports that most Americans are not racist, the Gallup poll finds:

  • 64% now say racism against Black people is widespread in U.S.
  • Satisfaction with treatment of Black people remains near low point

In the Rasmussen Reports survey, the percentage saying race relations are worsening is up 13 percentage points from 41% since January 2020.

Other findings from Rasmussen Reports:

24% of American adults say race relations in the US are good or excellent. That’s lower than 34% in January 2020.

44% say race relations are poor. That’s up from 31% in January 2020.

Blacks (11%) and other minorities (9%) are more likely than whites (6%) to rate race relations as excellent.

56% don’t think most Americans are racist.

26% say most Americans are racist.

Democrats (37%) are far more likely than Republicans (17%) or those not affiliated with either major party (24%) to say most Americans are racist.

Oddly, those who rate the current state of race relations as excellent are more likely to say most Americans are racist, and those who believe most Americans are racist are more likely to believe race relations are getting better.

Rasmussen Reports survey

Those earning more than $200,000 a year are most likely to say race relations are poor.

Other findings from Gallup: More U.S. adults than in 2020 say civil rights for Black people have improved.

Read more about Gallup’s findings here.

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