HomeUncategorized(FORUM) Bias in news | Sharyl Attkisson

(FORUM) Bias in news | Sharyl Attkisson

The following is commentary intended for discussion. Add your comments.

A long time ago (it seems), credible news organizations didn’t write this way.

News organizations used to think of themselves largely as neutral reporters of news– or at least willing to listen to and air various facts and views that do not necessarily align with one narrative.

At many news organizations, those days are long gone.

The headlines read more like what use to be found only in the likes of tabloids like The National Enquirer. They leave no doubt about how the reporters or the publications “feel.” Ideally, that should be none of our concern– and not their place to express.

It’s not only the headlines.

The stories themselves are rife with the opinion of the journalists and publications, unattributed “facts” that turn out to be false, and slanted paragraphs written in the omniscient viewpoint like those that belong in novels rather than news.

Where do you go to find the facts without the spin? How do you figure out whether something is true or not? What are you “go-to” news sources today?

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