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(READ) Link between Wuhan lab, covid bat research, and U.S. funding through Fauci’s agency

A Fauci-controlled agency at the National Institutes of Health has been funding US-China collaborations on bat coronavirus research since at least 2014, according to documents recently obtained by Judicial Watch.

Judicial Watch obtained the records through a Freedom of Information (FOIA) lawsuit seeking records about National Institute of Health (NIH) grants that benefitted the communist Chinese Wuhan Institute of Virology.

The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) was the NIH’s top issuer of grants to the Wuhan lab from 2010 to 2018, according to Judicial Watch. Dr. Anthony Fauci is director of NIAID.

The records reveal nine China-related NIH grants to research coronavirus emergence in bats. The grant money was provided through EcoHealth Alliance, a global non-profit scientific organization.

Both Fauci and EcoHealth Alliance’s chief Peter Daszak worked to discredit the idea that Covid-19 originated at the Chinese lab they helped fund, usually without publicly disclosing their links to the lab.

The nine grants to EcoHealth Alliance include the following:

  • One grant awarded each year between 2010-2012 to EcoHealth Alliance, working with Chinese collaborator Jinping Chen of Guangdong Entomological Institute, to study in China “Risk of Viral Emergence from Bats.”
  • One grant awarded each year from 2014-2017 to EcoHealth Alliance, working with Chinese collaborator Changwen Ke of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention of Guangdong, in a project titled “Understanding the Risk of Bat Coronavirus Emergence.”
  • grant was issued in 2012 to EcoHealth Alliance, working with Xiangming Xiao of the East China Normal University, in a project titled “Comparative Spillover Dynamics of Avian Influenza in Endemic Countries.”
  • grant was issued in 2018 to EcoHealth Alliance, again working with Ke in the project called “Understanding the Risk of Bat Coronavirus Emergence.”

The latest information follows several other announcements about documents revealing connections between the NIAID, Dr. Fauci, coronavirus research and the Wuhan lab according to Judicial Watch.

Click the link below to read more:


Read Sharyl Attkisson’s investigation on Covid origins here.

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