HomeUncategorizedREAD: Trump on Arizona “election fraud”

READ: Trump on Arizona “election fraud”

Donald Trump is a major news figure but many media outlets and platforms have conspired to censor him and to censor certain information about him for political reasons. We will publish some of that difficult-to-find information here.

– June 23, 2021 – 
Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America
Good news! RINO Governor Doug Ducey of Arizona has restated the fact that he is not running for the United States Senate. It would not matter, however, because he could not get the nomination after failing to perform on the Voter Fraud in Arizona. Also, there is no way he would get my endorsement, which means, his aspirations would be permanently put to rest anyway. Again, thank you to our brave Republicans in the Arizona State Senate for their bravery in putting forward the Forensic Audit. Everybody is anxiously awaiting the result!

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