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Australia politics live news: Nationals leadership spill; Sydney mask rules likely to continue after NSW reports two new Covid cases | Australia news

We will always do the right things by jobs in regional Australia, we always will and I know that there are a couple of members on the Labor side, the member for Paterson and Hunter, who are in favour of the resource sector, very much in favour of of ensuring their jobs in mind going forward and we will continue…

We will always make sure that our policies, climate and any other policy, will be in the best interest of jobs in this nation and regional Australia is leading the way when it comes to taking responsible action on climate.

Absolutely it is and the fact that we have got so many solar farms, wind farms, whether you like them or not, they are in regional Australia and, indeed, our agriculture, our agricultural industry, farming sector remains committed to making sure that it will play a leading role in lowering emissions into the future and many farmers are committed to that very task right now.

They are doing all the sorts of things that you would expect them to do. I can remember, when my late father Lance, we would burn our stubble and these days they are ploughing it back into the soil to provide that vital nutrients, nitrogen back into the soil.

We are changing our farming practices and so much for the better. We are improving our farming practices and we are also utilising technology.

I am proud that I sit on the side of government, sit on the side of this house that has invested considerably in GPS technology, such that my father would have had to rely going all over the paddock when I was driving the tractor, just probably to get out of a job, but these days they steer themselves and well done to the government for providing that vital assistance with funding GPS technology and other technologies. Leading the way to making sure we continue to lower our emissions. We will do it through technology, not taxes. Taxes, that is the Labor way, that is the Greens away. We will do it through technology and I am proud to say that we have been beating all international obligations we said we would do and there are other countries clamouring at the moment to say a lot of things about climate but we are beating them as well. We are beating the lower emissions they are putting in place as well.

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