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‘Progressophobia’: Bill Maher Torches Liberals For Refusing To Acknowledge How Far America Has Come

Comedian Bill Maher lashed out at liberals, accusing them of “progressophobia” for refusing to acknowledge how far America has already come.

“If you think America is more racist now than ever, more sexist than before women could vote and more homophobic than when blow jobs were a felony, you have #Progressophobia and you should adjust your mask because its covering your eyes,” Maher tweeted along with a clip from Friday’s “Real Time” on HBO. (RELATED: ‘The Problem Is Your Ideas Are Stupid’: Bill Maher Rips Millennials For Supporting Communism And Defunding Police)

Maher explained that “progressophobia” was “the phrase coined by Steven Pinker to describe a brain disorder that strikes liberals and makes them incapable of recognizing progress. It’s like situational blindness, only what you can’t see is that your dorm in 2021 is better than the South before the Civil War.”

Maher went on to list a series of issues where he felt liberals had failed to really recognize progress.

“If you think America is more racist now than ever, more sexist than before women could vote and more homophobic than when blow jobs were a felony, you have #Progressophobia and should adjust your mask because it’s covering your eyes,” he said.

Maher pointed out the fact that gay marriage had failed in state legislatures 35 times before 2012 — and the most recent polling has indicated that half of Republicans now support the issue.

“The chant from gay protesters used to be, ‘We’re here, we’re queer, get used to it,’” Maher said, adding, “Well, we did. This is Pride Month, and it’s not even a big deal anymore. Thirty days of parades and festivals celebrating a cause that was once so divisive that Ellen had to pretend to be straight.”

“Not too long ago, I knew people who went to prison for growing pot,” Maher continued, pointing to the number of states that had since legalized medicinal and even recreational marijuana use.

He addressed the fact that just a few decades ago, interracial marriages were illegal — and even more recently than that, a large percentage of Americans disapproved of the idea. That too has changed. “An overwhelming majority of Americans now say they want to live in a multiracial neighborhood,” he said.

“And yet, there is a recurrent theme on the far left that things have never been worse,” Maher said, pointing to a statement from actor and comedian Kevin Hart claiming, “You’re witnessing white power and white privilege at an all time high.”

“Seeing clearly is necessary for actually fixing problems,” Maher concluded, arguing that there were certainly real problems to fix but that could not happen while people were refusing to acknowledge the reality in front of their faces.

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