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WATCH: Senator Rand Paul provides a CHILLING warning about what might be going inside Wuhan lab RIGHT NOW

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) went on air to be interviewed by Jeanine Pirro, and had a disturbing but important message for Americans and the world regarding the Wuhan lab, and regarding gain-of-function research in general.

Pirro starts by bringing up the subject of gain-of-function research, and Paul responded:

“Gain-of-function is basically when you have an animal virus that normally just infects animals, and you somehow mutate it or force it to evolve so it can affect humans. So it’s making it more transmissible to humans, and oftentimes making it more dangerous or deadly to humans.”

“I’ll give you an example. In 2004, there was a virus, a coronavirus called SARS. It killed a bunch of people; it had a 15 percent mortality.”

“In the Wuhan lab, they were studying this SARS virus, and they were putting more proteins on it to make it more infectious to humans.”

“That’s gain-of-function. That’s dangerous. And that may be how this (COVID-19) virus started. And so, I’m very worried that this stuff’s still going on, and that the US government is funding it.”

Pirro then asked Rand why he thinks the Biden administration would “stop the investigation into the origins of the Wuhan virus”, considering that China is “not fully open” to letting investigations take place and “initially lied” about the possibility of the virus originating in the Wuhan lab. Rand mentioned:

“I think there’s been a sea-change in the last two or three weeks on this.  A year ago, anybody who mentioned the possibility that this virus came out of the Wuhan lab were dismissed as crazy right-wing cooks, conspiracy theorists, etc.”

“But now you have even MSNBC coming around. You have the left starting to wonder about it. When I introduced my amendment to say we should quit funding this research in China, I ended up getting every Democrat on board.”

“So I think [those in the Biden administration] either know information, or they suspect that this information is gonna get stronger and stronger, that this came from the lab …. we’ve got a lot of evidence now.”

Asking about gain-of-function itself, Pirro asked Rand point-blank, “Why would we do that?”

“They say they’re doing it so that they can study viruses that jump from animals to humans. The problem is that they are creating something novel; they are creating something that doesn’t exist in nature.”

“….We’re creating Frankenstein super-viruses that, if they leak out of the lab, accidentally or on purpose, could devastate the world. The SARS virus is fifteen times more deadly. If that one gets out, and we enhance its ability to be transmitted, That could kill 50, 100 million people.”

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