HomeStrategyPolitics12+ Iranian Gunboats Swarm 6 U.S. Warships, Dozens Of Warning Shots Fired

12+ Iranian Gunboats Swarm 6 U.S. Warships, Dozens Of Warning Shots Fired

Iranian military gunboats with the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps, a designated terrorist organization, swarmed several U.S. warships on Monday that were escorting a U.S. submarine.

“Over a dozen Iranian gunboats harass formation of six U.S. warships including guided-missile submarine Georgia,” Fox News Pentagon correspondent Lucas Tomlinson said. “U.S. Coast Guard cutter fired warning shots in response in Strait of Hormuz.”

The 13 Iranian military vessels reportedly came within 150 yards of U.S. Forces, which fired 30 warning shots at the Iranian vessels. Pentagon press secretary John Kirby called the incident “significant” since previous incidents had involved fewer vessels.

The Biden administration, which is seeking to restart the nuclear deal with Iran, has offered soft words during other recent encounters where Iranian military vessels harass U.S. Forces.

Toward the end of last month, the U.S. Navy released video of Iranian military vessels harassing U.S. Forces in the Arabian Gulf.

“The activities we typically see from the IRGC Navy are not necessarily activities that are directed by the supreme leader or from the Iranian state,” U.S. Central Command’s General Kenneth “Frank” McKenzie said. “Rather [they are] irresponsible actions by local commanders on the scene. We’re very careful to ensure that we don’t get into a provocative cycle as a result of that. Luckily, our guys are pretty good … they’re very mature and they’re able to de-escalate the situation.”

The Foundation for Defense of Democracies (FDD), an independent and non-partisan research institute, says that Democrat President Joe Biden is struggling in numerous national security and foreign police issues, including Iran.

In their latest bi-monthly tracker on the Biden administration’s policies, FDD concluded that Biden’s work on Iran was “very negative,” writing:

The Biden administration reportedly offered to lift U.S. terrorism sanctions on Iran in exchange for Tehran’s agreement to rejoin the 2015 nuclear deal. The offer, which includes sanctions relief for the Central Bank of Iran (CBI), the National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC), and other entities and sectors behind the financing of Iran-sponsored terrorism and the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, would breach earlier commitments made by Secretary Blinken. In 2020, he vowed that if elected, the Biden administration would “continue non-nuclear sanctions as a strong hedge against Iranian misbehavior in other areas.” During his 2021 Senate confirmation hearing, Blinken was asked whether he believed it was in America’s national security interest to lift terrorism sanctions currently imposed on Iran, including the CBI and NIOC. “I do not,” Blinken responded, “and I think there is nothing … inconsistent with making sure that we are doing everything possible – including the toughest possible sanctions, to deal with Iranian support for terrorism.” Last week, however, State Department Spokesperson Ned Price suggested terrorism sanctions imposed on Iran were inconsistent with the nuclear deal – a departure from Blinken’s testimony and a troubling sign that the White House is prepared to cave to the regime’s key demands, while gaining nothing tangible in return.

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