HomeUncategorizedWhat really happened to Ashli Babbitt?

What really happened to Ashli Babbitt?

Ashli Babbitt was the 35-year old Trump supporter from California who was shot dead by a U.S. Capitol Police officer during the January 6 riots.

Babbitt was unarmed when she was killed. She marched to the Capitol with a crowd after the giant rally, held to draw attention to alleged 2020 election fraud.

The officer’s name is being kept secret. Prosecutors have said they do not have evidence that would justify charging him with any crime.

An attorney for Babbitt’s family says he will be filing a civil lawsuit against the U.S. Capitol Police and the officer, who will be named in the lawsuit. He is reportedly an African-American lieutenant; Babbitt was white.

Ashli Babbitt was an Air Force veteran
One of the last photos taken of Babbitt, draped in a Trump sign at the rally
Babbitt was 35-years old when she was killed
Ashli Babbitt’s husband, Aaron, is
planning to sue over her death
Babbitt, center, served in Iraq and Afghanistan (above)
Babbitt and her dog, Kenai.
Babbitt’s family says Kenai “died of a broken heart” when Ashli didn’t come home; just days after Ashli’s ashes were spread off the pier at Dog Beach where she went several times a week.
Babbitt celebrated her 35th birthday a few
months before she was killed
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